11. Luna

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The next day at school I was trying to avoid Jake. I'm not scared of him, I'm mad at him. Mad that he disrespected not only me but also Eve, and probably disrespected Jess too before. He acted like a child crying because he couldn't get his mom to buy him a toy from the supermarket.

I've never liked the use of any kind of violence, but he really needed a stop, and I'm glad Jordan could give it to him when I clearly couldn't.

"Adira..." as if manifesting it, I heard Jake's voice as soon as I reached my locker, either he is really brave or really stupid. I looked at him and he had some bruises in the face, Jordan punched him like twice, but still managed to mark his face.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't meant it, I was drunk and-"

"Look Jake, you have messed up enough. I don't care if you were drunk or not, I'm sure you are an ass either way." I said sound and clear, like I said before, I was mad. I'm a really good person, with a noble heart and good intentions, but sometimes people take advantage of that and I won't allow them to treat me like a freaking puppet.


"Stop embarrassing yourself already, I ain't changing option. Just stay away from me." I interrupted him again, I don't want his explanations. I hated having problems with people, it made me anxious, but sometimes we can't stay away from the trouble and we have to face it.

"Ok, I never even wanted you in the first place." The fact he says that just proves my whole point that he acts like a child.

"Thank you for letting me know! I was getting hella worried on what I was doing wrong to attract idiots like you." I say closing my locker and leaving when he didn't replied immediately. I hope he would leave me alone.

He didn't had the guts to follow me and I was glad. It's obvious he isn't scared of me, I would never be able to actually fight him, but I think he now knows better after yesterday's events and Jordan's hard punches.

The classes finally ended and I have been exhausted all day, I didn't even actually partied last night, and I definitely wasn't hangover since I didn't drank alcohol, but I wasn't a fan of just sleeping about 4 hours. I wish I could have stayed home, but I didn't exactly had an option when my parents woke me up and urged me to get ready to school.

Roman and Jordan, on the other hand, didn't showed up to school that day. I wasn't even surprised since Roman surely had a hangover, and well Jordan must have better things to do. They were known for not attending school most of the time anyways.

"Jordan asked me to drive you home, you ready?" Blake, being the only responsible of the group that actually attended classes, said to me as I was arranging all the mess in front of me, so called my locker.

"Uh no, it's ok Blake, I'm taking the bus." I said confidently knowing I had some money for a bus ride. I would have just taken the bus instead of walking home back then when my dad wouldn't pick me up anymore, but I was aware that my saved money would eventually finish and I would have to walk home soon or later, so I thought it would be better to don't use that money at all and just walk.

I've tried getting a job, but with the ton lot of assignments I have every single freaking day, I have a small time gap for working. And when my parents noticed there was a possibility that I won't completely focus on school, they told me to forget about it. I don't blame them, it was true that I wouldn't be completely focused on either activity and I would be stressed out every single day. Money has never been a problem in my family, but I want to have my own money, I hate asking my parents for it.

Now that Jordan offered to drive me home I can feel relieved, but I also feel like I'm hella annoying, like a freaking kid that can't do anything on their own.

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