18. Kidnapped

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"What's with the pillow?" I asked Roman as we waited for Blake and Jordan that were getting their bags checked.

"Oh, I always take it with me, I can't sleep without it." He said looking at the pillow resting in his hands with what seemed like a small sleepy smile.

I smiled at how adorable that sounded, even if he looks hella intimidating and maybe scary to some people, he can be cute.

"That's cute." I admitted to him with a chuckle escaping from my lips.

"No, it's annoying." He said shaking his head. "Your whole sleep depending on a pillow is definitely no fun."

"Yeah, you have a point." I agreed, I know how annoying it is not being able to sleep.

"Fucking finally guys, you had drugs in your bags or why it took so damn long?" Roman said as Blake and Jordan reached us.

"Well maybe if last time they checked our school bags they hadn't found condoms in your bag, they wouldn't have to check all of our bags twice." Blake said defensively leaving me shocked but amused with this situation.

"In my defense I had no idea they were there!" Roman said getting out of his sleepy trance.

Jordan grabbed my backpack that was sitting on top of my small suitcase and put it in his bare shoulders. I was going to stop him, considering he was also carrying his bags, but he looked so funny with it. My liliac backpack looked really colorful for his all black outfit, but he didn't seemed to care.

As we reached the bus Roman didn't waste another second and rested his head on his pillow that was now against the bus window of his seat. Blake sat next to him and put on his AirPods before resting his head in the seat.

We all were pretty tired I see.

I sat in one of the lonely pair of seats behind Roman and Blake. I wasn't sure if Jordan would willingly sit with me, but he did and I wasn't that stupid to realize he didn't exactly had another option since his two best friends were sitting together already, and he did say before he didn't want to hang with random people.

Looking through the window I noticed it was still pretty dark outside, but we could see how the sun was slowly rising from afar.

After a few minutes, my eyes felt heavier with every second that passed, and trying to keep them open became a whole sport.

I didn't realize I was actually falling asleep until a harsh movement from the bus made me bump my head with the window.

"Ow!" I squealed in pain as I held my forehead and opened my eyes in horror.

"Uh, you can rest your head in my shoulder." Jordan said softly besides me, a hint of hesitation linked in his tone, and I was too tired to reject that offer. Conscious me would have hesitated over the fact that I may bother him, but sleepy me couldn't care less. After all, he was the one offering.

I slowly rested my head in his shoulder and closed my eyes again. "Thanks." I muttered without even realizing.

Jordan's POV

I'm so fucking stupid.

Offering her to sleep in my shoulder was my biggest mistake.

I was trying my best to focus on my phone, but my eyes and my mind kept wandering to the girl that was now resting her head against my chest.

The problem here is not that she is sleeping in my chest, the problem is that I like it.

I shouldn't.

I really shouldn't, but seeing her sleeping this close to me made me felt some sort of peace, and that's what scared the shit outta me.

The bus was taking some turns that made everyone inside move with it. I didn't think it twice and wrapped my arm securely around her, pulling her even closer to me so she wouldn't move that much.

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