Chapter 5

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I forced my eyelids open after what seemed like a deep and fitful sleep. I was inside another grinder, although this one made a nicer sound, it was almost purring. Small arms cradled me and massaged my head avoiding the bump. I drowsily lifted my head to see the delighted freckly face of the young girl. I licked her chin and she squealed in elation. She continued massaging behind my ears and I drifted off into a lazy doze for the remainder of the ride. 

I woke to gentle shaking.

"Come on puppy," the little girl whispered excitedly, "We're home." I lifted my head to see a petite building painted white with baby blue window sills. An old oak tree sat out the front, its leaves whistling in the breeze. I allowed the woman to pick me up, while the girl skipped to the door humming blissfully. She knocked once and it opened to an older boy, about fourteen. He had the same red hair and freckly face as the little girl. Another face appeared next to his, a girl. She had identical features except her hair cascaded down her back in a fiery waterfall. 

"Hey," the woman said, "How'd you guys go?"

The girl answered "Good, Toby fell asleep in the middle of his movie and I decided to make some cake while Al here went to practice rugby with his mates at the park." The woman nodded taking it all in, then she turned to the boy. I was attempting to remember names.

"Alsono I told you not to leave the house while I'm out" The blondie scolded. The boy, Alsono groaned

"Mum, I'm nearly fifteen, I'm perfectly fine on my own and Dad said I could go" The lady looked surprised

"Dad's home?" She asked. The two nodded in sync. The little girl took off screaming through the house

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" She cried "Daddy where are you?" Then there was the deep chuckle of a man laughing

"Hello Josie" He laughed

"Daddy" Josie cried. The woman gave me to her daughter.

"Louise, hold her for me," she said. I took note of the name. I was now in Louise's arms. She looked at me

"Hey girl," She said, "what shall we call you huh?" Alsono had only just noticed me, his eyes shone. He threw his hands in the air and started shouting

"We've got a dog, we've got a dog, YAY we've got a dog" I was so caught up in all of the fuss that I hadn't noticed the new aroma of smells that had been invading my nose. I started wriggling in Louise's arms trying to get free. I could tell she was struggling to get me under control, and finally, I fell to the ground and put my nose to the grass, and started following all the new scents, I was so driven by excitement that I hadn't noticed my surroundings and ran head-long into a wooden fence. 

Alsono laughed, "Louise," He cried "did you see that"

"Yes and it wasn't funny, the poor thing could've hurt herself." I just shook my head and shoved it onto the ground again. 

"Louise, what happened?" Shouted a surprised voice, I looked up to see the blondie had returned "Quick shut the gate she could get out" She said. Alsono who was nearest quickly walked to the gate and closed it. I walked over to the blonde and licked her leg in apology. She laughed and rubbed my head. I was exhausted, so I lied down where I was and fell into a deep satisfied sleep.


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