Chapter 7

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"Sandy, Sandy" Josie cried, I immediately came running thinking something was wrong, but Josie was beaming a smile so big it nearly covered her whole face. "Sandy guess what" She cried "We are going to go to the park and you get to come. YAY!!!" She squealed. I looked at her sensing her excitement but unfortunately, I didn't know what a park was. Then Joanne came into the kitchen and saw Josie's face turning red with enthusiasm

"Gosh Josie calm down, we're just going to meet some old friends, what on Earth has gotten into you?" She asked. Josie looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Mum, I know we're going to the park," She said, she had extremely good pronunciation for a five-year-old. She was one of those really smart kids who learnt Spanish at like three months and french at eighteen months. "but this time is different, this time Sandy is coming" She continued pronouncing every syllable perfectly. Louise came in with Alsono carrying the long rope which I had learnt was called a leash and clipped it to my collar.

"Come on Sandy," He said, "Let's go for a walk" then he led me to the door and waited for everyone else to follow. 

Soon all of us were walking down the path towards whatever a park is. An array of interesting smells conquered my nose and immediately I start running in that direction. I buckle and stop unable to go any further, I try again but I couldn't reach whatever was making the smell. Darn, it was the leash. We continued following the path for a little bit, every new smell I would jump at only to be pulled back on to the path. soon a massive jungle gym came into view and Josie squealed in excitement. Roo put a hand on her head to stop her from running to the other side of the road. Jo looked back and forward to make sure there weren't any cars. There weren't so we crossed without hesitation. Josie looked like she was about to pop. She couldn't contain her excitement and looked up at her father with pleading eyes.

"Go on Josie, go have fun" Josie didn't need a second invitation, she was off without a second thought, leaving Roo shaking his head and laughing. Toby and Alsono seemed to have spotted some friends and ran off to join their separate games. Louise took my leash and we all walked over to the mystery friends.


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, hope it's not to bad, but please help me here, I don't quite know what to write next. Thanks xx

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