Chapter 6

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After a week or so of eating delicious food out of a bowl, that I didn't have to catch I was in pretty good shape. The blonde lady, Joanne (Jo for short), went out with her husband Rubert, (everyone calls him Roo), in their blue car which I still prefer calling a grinder. When they returned they carried a long, pink rope with a clip on the end, they had another circular rope with a little heart dangling off it, Louise put around my neck and said "Here you go Sandy, here's your new collar." Now I proudly prance around the house with my new collar that apparently has my name on it. 

Then when Alsono put a very fancy squishy thing on the floor. He looked at me expectantly, I didn't know what to do. So I cautiously sat on it. It was extremely comfortable and had princess written on the front of it. Alsono laughed

"Do you like your new doggy bed Sandy?" I for one did like it and licked his nose in response. He laughed again "now you can sleep here instead of sleeping with my twin" He grinned, I barked in response. Toby wandered into the kitchen he's seven years old and likes to play soccer with his friends. He sees me and comes rushing. He loves to pet me and I love him doing it. Josie the youngest pulled out some little objects of the shopping bag. I cocked my head and looked at them. She looks at me and says
"Look Sandy you finally have some dogs toys."

I don't know what dog toys are, I do know that I'm a dog, but I've never heard of a toy. She chose a toy, it was a little red pig and when she squished it, it made a weird noise, I barked at it. She squished it again and I growled. She waved it in front of my face and continued squishing it. I was following it with my eyes, snarling every time it came close. Then I pounced and ripped it out of Josie's hand and tackled it to the ground. I accidentally squished it and got the fright of my life. I jumped in the air and ran and hid behind the kitchen bench making everyone in the room laugh at me. If I could turn a shade of red then I would have, I was so embarrassed. That toy made me look bad in front of my family. I'm going to get him back. I slowly stood up and slunk a couple of paces and lied down again to make sure that it didn't see me. My mum had taught me this technique when we were hunting. The pig was my prey and I was stalking it. I got back up quietly walked a couple of paces and lied down again. I was fully aware of the gazes of everyone. I willed them to keep watching, this time I would get the pig and they would see that I am a good hunter. I stood up again, this time I took off into a sprint and pounced on him. The silly pig didn't even see me coming. This time I  remembered that it would make a noise if I squished it. So I  made sure that I didn't chew it too hard. I made it through the day without embarrassing myself and got to spend the night in my extremely comfortable new bed, I loved it. 


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