{Chapter 90} Finally finished this goddamn subliminal

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Okay so yeah there it is, finally 😍

Some people wanted this subliminal so I thought, why not make a chapter about it?

I'll just copy and paste the benefits+a mini explanation:



✎. Attract your comfort character(s) into your life
✎. Desired friendship, relationship, etc.
✎. Be safe from anything, anyone, etc.
✎. Only get your desired results

⚠️ I wanted to add that if they already exist in this reality that they will come to you, they'll end up in your life.
If they "don't" exist here, you'll simply shift to a reality where they do exist, no this will not be a hard progress, you don't need to try and shift for this, this subliminal will do it for you. You just need to trust this subliminal and enjoy it, and poof, look at all those results! ⚠️


I'm gonna use it myself too...😈😈😈
Luna better hurry up🤬🤬🤬

Btw the channel is in my bio (Ren'ai Subs)

Ok bye😈😍

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