{Chapter 104} My experiences with Celestial subliminals.

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Hi y'all!!!!! Yes I've been gone for way too long, but I'm back and I'm doing way much better. Mentally and physically.

This is a chapter I've never expected to make, but I think it's time to speak up about this since some stuff has gotten clear to me. And yes it's important enough to give this it's own chapter.

I used to be a huge supporter of celestial subliminals, if you started reading my book alllll the way back somewhere around November, the time I started writing this, you could have seen me mentioning celestial subliminals quite a lot.
The thing is, I thought that it was THE subliminal maker. I put all my trust, intuition and even my effort (all shifting related ofc) into them.
When I would try to shift I would be using a guided meditation and their subliminals.

I thought that their subliminals were the whole reason I was even able to shift, because I've been using them ever since I started this journey.

Just gonna simply debunk that.

I've used TONS of guided meditations, and now that I look back at the time where I literally praised celestial subliminals for everything, I get it. The guided meditations were the one helping me focus, make me feel comfortable, etc.

To the people out there who make shifting related guided meditations:

I love you and respect you for your hard work, you help people like me, who find it difficult to shift because of concentration problems, shift. And that's something that I appreciate.
So much. You've not just helped me but plenty of others of us shifters at least believe more in ourselves, and even helped some of us say "fuck it" and shift. THAT'S what I call a fucking human, a positive and spiritual human. You being able to change people their lives is something not me but everyone here should appreciate.
Thank you for all of your hard work❤️

Now you may ask "girl what the fuck is the point of this chapter" and tbh I would think that too LMCMCDM NO BUT FR I JUST CAME UP WITH THE IDEA TO WRITE THIS I'M SORRY IT'S SO MESSY AND ALL OVER THE PLACE but oh well let's continue before I can't stay serious anymore....

Anyways, it doesn't end there. Yeah we get it, celestial subliminals didn't make you shift, the guided meditations did, well what's the whole problem with celestial subliminals then?

A few months ago I was getting lazy af (how tf is that even possible I already am like way too lazy, how did it even get worse) and decided to stop using guided meditations and only subliminals.
Obviously those were celestial their subliminals.
I've never had issues with them before, so these few experiences which I'll now explain left me quite unsettled.

1. First few times using subliminals of them on it's own was alriiight, didn't really help me but okay I can say that nothing happened then.
That was until I used one of these 2 subliminals:

Strong feeling that it's the second one.
But alright I decided to use it, and just to debunk something right away, I NEVER. Absolutely NEVER. Have nightmares. I've had them when I was younger, but no, haven't had any of them once I got older.
I was listening to the subliminal, and the vibe of it already wasn't the most pleasant thing ever. Decided to deal with it because I was still a huge supporter of them.

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