{Chapter 2} (remake) My shifting routine 😍👍

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Yes hello this is chapter 2🥰
I remade this chapter bc it was a freaking mess and I wanted to fix it, i think that all the old comments still exist so if you want to read them, well, do it 😍

Anyways I'll be telling y'all how I usually shifted like months ago, bc the original chapter was made months ago👍

The first time I shifted I used the raven method, which I now hate with my whole heart and soul.
You don't need to visualize for this method btw!

(I've added some steps for people who love to visualize tho, again, it's not necessary.)


Step 1. Lay down in a comfy position.
You can lay down on your side, back, stomach, etc, as long as you're comfortable!


Step 2. Meditation 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Btw yes I close my eyes when I meditate, which they asked you to do in this video if I'm right

Best guided meditation ever


Step 3. If you would like to turn on a shifting subliminal, I would definitely recommend this one, although subliminals aren't really necessary.
(Meditating isn't necessary either)

I also always use earphones while listening to subliminals.


Step 4. Count from 0 to 100, with your eyes still closed.
After you've already passed 10 numbers you can choose to repeat 2 affirmations.

"I've successfully shifted"
"I'm aware that I'm in my desired reality"

You can now choose if you want to keep repeating affirmations and fall asleep, or to start visualizing.


Step 5. If you choose to start visualizing, y'all should continue to read further 😈😈😈
When you've reached 100 you imagine a hallway, with at the end of the hallway a beautiful dark wooden door. (You can choose your whatever kind of door you want to visualize ofc)
Slowly walk to the door and open it.
Imagine that there's a bright light behind the door, which will shine right in your face once you opened the door😍.
The colour doesn't matter btw, mine is always white (the bright light).


Step 6. Walk through the door, imagine that you're falling, slow, fast, doesn't matter, as long as you can try to also feel yourself falling.

While you're falling you can repeat affirmations (you can search up some good affirmations on Google).

Fall asleep while doing this, and you should wake up in your dr!



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