Chapter 12...

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Am I really that gone that I am now imagining her here? But the sound of voices around me I knew I wasn't imagining this. She was actually here.

I watched her look around almost shyly like she wasn't sure if she should be here. I couldn't deny that I was curious on how she got in seeing as it was a private arena and had security at the entrances.

"Are you lost sweet cheeks." Someone down on my left called out. Josie's head snapped towards the ice, taking in the entire team. I had a feeling she wasn't expecting us all to be here.

I was moving before my brain caught up with me. I skated across the ice, pulling my helmet off, shaking my head as my sweaty hair stuck to my forehand. Nothing could stop the smirk from appearing on my face as she watched me get closer. Her brown eyes wide and her cheeks flushed.

Fuck, she looked even prettier than she did in the elevator. Then again it was lighter in here than the elevator. I skidded to a stop at the edge of the ice. My eyes took her in as she walked towards the board.

Once again she was wearing those tight pair of jeans. It was like they were glued to her long sculpted legs. She wore a thicker sweater since it was getting colder outside. Today her brown hair was pulled up showing her face better and the light freckles across her nose.

"Hi." Her voice brought me out of my awkward staring.

"Hi." I greeted. It felt surreal seeing her again, almost like I had made up the encounter in my head but here she was in person.

"Sorry for barging in like this, I hope I didn't interrupt anything." Her eyes drifted behind me, no doubt the entire team standing there watching us.

"You're totally fine. Practice just finished anyways."

"I can tell." Josie's lips tugged at the corner. I ran a hand through my sweaty hair and held back a grimace. Here I was standing in front of her sweating like a pig while she stood there perfectly dressed.


"What-" We both went to talk at the same time. Laughing I gestured for her to go first. "After you."

"I hope it isn't too weird that I just showed up here. I wasn't really sure if I should ask around what your apartment number was and come off as a stalker or show up here. I know you guys practice here so I sort of took the chance. Which now seems even more stalker-ish than the apartment idea." Josie rambled. I watched her as I felt a smile grow on my face. She did say she rambled a lot until someone stopped her.

"It's not stalker-ish I promise." I managed to say in-between words. Her cheeks flushed bright pink again. If she hadn't shown up I was going to do the same thing once I was done here. I silently thanked whoever it was up there for bringing her to the rink.

"I just wanted to return this." It was only then I noticed the jersey I gave her to wear was in her arms. She held it out for me. "I washed it, I hope thats okay. Didn't know if you had some sort of ritual with it or not." I chuckled under my breath at her words. As weird as it sounds some guys do have that superstition about not washing their jerseys. Thank god I was not one of them.

"Thank you." I reached to grab it only for it to be swiped from her hands first. My head snapped to the side to find Trevor standing there grinning like a fool.

"Well hello. Who do we have here?" He looked between Josie and I, a look in his eye. I knew that look and it meant nothing good. Sighing I introduced them.

"Trevor this is Josie. Josie this is my dumb ass friend Trevor."

"Don't forget about me." Another voice pipped in. Glaring I turned to Bryton. Of course these two just had to come over and butt in.

"I'm Bryton, this asshole's other best friend." He shoved me with his shoulder with a wide grin. I glared at my two best friends before turning to Josie. She stood there with a grin looking at the three of us.

"It's nice to meet you." Seeing that smile I felt the tension in my shoulders disappear. Tension that has been there for the past three days.

I quickly glanced over my shoulder to make sure no one else was coming up behind us but I noticed most of the team were making their way off the ice. Probably courtesy of the two guys beside me.

I turned back around just in time to catch Trevor saying something to Josie.

"I see you have his jersey." He held up the spare one I gave her.

"Figured I better return it before someone thinks I stole it." The cheeky grin she gave me almost made me melt in a puddle.

"So I take it your the girl from the elevator." Bryton butted in a second later. There was a knowing smirk on his face that I wanted so bad to slap off.

"That would be me." I wanted to smack my forehead. Great now she knew I was talking about her. I really needed to get these two out of here. Instead of making me look good they were making me look worse. So much for being my wingmen. Misreading my face Josie spoke up.

"I better let you guys go. I just wanted to drop by and return that." She took a step back as her eyes landed on me once more. "I'll uh see you around." Josie turned on her heel to walk away.

At the sight of her leaving I felt my stomach sink. No I couldn't let her walk away, not after she just got here. It has been three days of battling with myself about seeing her and now was my chance. I couldn't let it slip through my fingers. Not like I did in the elevator.

"Wait." I called out before she could take any steps further. She stopped and slowly turned back around to face me. Ignoring the two guys at my sides I kept my eyes on her. "Are you free right now?"

This was not really the idea I had in mind when I thought about seeing her again. Standing here in my bulky hockey gear with sweat dripping off my face, surrounded by my best friends.

"Yeah I'm free." I could hear the question in her voice.

"Want to go grab something to eat?" I couldn't stop the hopeful tone in my voice. Please say yes.

Josie stood there for a full minute without saying a word. Right when I thought she'd say no she answered.

"You do owe me a hamburger." A wide smile spread across my face at the mention of our conversation over an old nutrition bar.

"I do." She grinned, the smile lighting up her entire face. "I'll be out in five minutes. Wait for me?"

All it took was a nod before I pushed off the board and skated quickly across the ice towards the locker room. I briefly heard Bryton and Trevor say bye to Josie but all I was focused on was getting changed quickly so I could finally be around Josie after three days.

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