Chapter 33....

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"Care to elaborate on why you've been grinning ear to ear all morning?" Lydia asked, leaning against my office door. I knew I had a smile plastered on my face all morning, unable to wipe it off, not that I wanted to either. I was on literal cloud nine, especially after last night.

"Your grin just got wider, what are you thinking about?" Lydia all but demanded.

"Nothing." I ducked my head. I knew she'd see right through me if she hasn't already.

"Hold on a god damn minute." I heard her walk further in the room and take a seat in front of my desk. "You are giddy, practically glowing, unable to stop had sex didn't you!" Her hands slapped down on the table.

I peeked up at her with a half smirk on my face. At my expression her mouth fell open.

"You did not." Like she couldn't believe it, I almost couldn't. Me having sex was rare to say. And last night was just....everything. Better than I could have even imagined. I've never fully enjoyed sex but after what Wyatt did to me last night, I think it will become my new favorite thing. Just the thought of it had my thighs clenching together.

"You lucky bitch!" Lydia practically yelled.

"Want to keep it down? The whole office doesn't need to know." I hissed.

"Yes they do. My girl had sex! And must have been pretty damn good." My face flushed at her words. "I need all the details. Now."

"There's nothing to tell." I tried to be nonchalant about it.

"Yeah right. At least tell me if it was good or not."

"It was good. Really good."

"I'm surprised you are at work today. If it was me I would have locked him in bed and never leave."

I almost did do that. More than content to just stay in bed with Wyatt but unfortunately he had practice for a game tomorrow and I had work. It had been hard to get out of bed this morning and not because I was tired.

No I woke up to Wyatt's head in-between my legs. The feel of him jerking me awake only to turn into a moaning mess within minutes. Wyatt had barely let me breath before he was sliding himself inside of me. Contrary to what he said last night he was slow and gentle until we both came. It was by far the best way to be woken up.

Even when I managed to slide out from under him I only got so far before Wyatt scooped me up and stalked for the shower. I thought back to our shower this morning while biting my bottom lip.

* * * * * * * * * ** * ** * *


"Wyatt!" I squealed as he swung me over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Sharing water and saving the planet." His hand came down to smack my ass. With his bare ass below me I reached out and smacked it in response.

"Oh all about saving the planet huh?"

"Yep. Save the turtles." I laughed at the way he said it as he walked into his bathroom. He gently sat me on my feet as he moved about starting the water. I glanced around and noted his bathroom was slightly bigger and better than mine. Then again he was a few floors up from me which held the nicer apartments.

I didn't get to look around long, before he was wrapping an arm around my waist, and tugging me after him into the walk in shower. He pushed me until my back rested against the shower wall, the water splashing on my skin. His hands held my waist as he gazed down at me.

"You know this defeats the whole purpose of a shower." I pointed out, my own hands reaching out to trace his abs. The muscles flexing under my fingertips. He was standing perfect where the water ran down his body, his skin feeling slick with each pass of my fingers.

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