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Bryce's POV:


This evening is our first game, we had practiced this morning since the coach wanted us to be fully prepared; the seniors and some juniors will be playing in this game since scouts are coming.

The freshman and sophomore joint team games are on Friday, we all train together but don't play the same day.

"Are you ready for the game later?" Mackenzie asks as she holds my hand, we just enter the building.

"Yes", I nod.

Everyone thinks we are dating so might as well just put up the act, Mackenzie is a good person and a good bed buddy by night.

She met my parents yesterday accidentally, they came home early while I had her over, we made up an excuse that she was over for a school assignment. Save to say she will be over when my parents are working overtime.

I spot Avalon talking to her friend Bailey by her locker, today she is in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt with her team jacket.

"She should really learn how to dress properly", Mackenzie mutters.

"At least she is comfortable in her own skin", I shrug.

I don't see the problem with the way she dresses.

"Whatever, see you in the third period", she kisses me and goes to her locker with Nabila.

I catch Avalon watching me, I give her a small wave and she scoffs.

I laugh.

Donovan places an arm over my shoulder, "my dude, this evening is our first game and I know we will win."

"Of course", I nod.

"We should have a victory food after the game", he suggests, "there's a pizza place not too far from the school."

I nod, "sure."

The warning bell rings and I head to my first class, calculus;  Avery and Jesse are in this class.

"Remember you have a quiz next week which will go towards your mid-semester grade", the teacher says, "take out Monday's homework."

I take out the worksheet and hand it up, it was piece of cake.

"Today we start a new topic so pay attention especially you Ms. West."

Avery rolls her eyes.

"Can I come over so we can do the literature homework today?" Mackenzie asks when class is over.

"My parents will be home early today, mom is coming to watch the game then she wants family dinner tonight", I reply.

"Well you can always sneak out", she smirks, "just text me, my parents are out for the week."

"What about your siblings?"

"Sleepover at friend's place."

"I'll see what I can do, but no promises."

She grins, "thank you."

"Hey Bryce", a girl with dirty blonde hair greets us as she passes.

"Hey", I nod, she is in my french class.

Mackenzie glares at the girl's back," who is she?"

"Isn't she on the cheer squad?" I frown, she is on the cheer squad.

"I don't pay attention to other girls on the team besides Avery and Nabila", she shrugs, "do you know her name?"


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