Chapter 19: Progress

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Izuku blinked rapidly, half-convinced that he was reading the words wrong. A 96% on the entrance exam? was that even possible? There must have been some mistake, right? Izuku was too dumb to be able to ace the entire entrance exam when he hadn't even had time to do it twice! But..there was Izuku's name at the top of the email, clear as day, and the letter had arrived in his inbox, so it must be for him...

"Mom!" He yelled so that she could hear him from the kitchen. "Can you come here? I need to make sure I'm reading this right!"

Mom nearly slid down the hall in her hurry to open his bedroom door, "What is it, Izuku? What's wrong?"

Izuku simply leaned back and pointed to the screen. He held his breath as Mom leaned over to read the email. He didn't know what he was even hoping for. He didn't want to get his hopes up, because there wasn't any way he'd passed, but if Mom read the same thing he did...

"Oh, Izuku!" Mom turned to him with tears in her eyes that were at odds with the brilliant smile on her face. "Congratulations! You got in! I knew you could do it!"

Izuku continued staring at the screen in shock as Mom sank to her knees and hugged him, "I..I got in. I got in!"

Mom chuckled as he hugged him even tighter, "You did! This is going to be so good for you, Izuku! I'll call Aldera first thing in the morning and do the paperwork. Oh! This calls for a celebration, do you want to go out?"

Izuku shook his head and held up his cast, "I, uh, don't want to risk running into anyone."

Mom's eyes shone in understanding, "How about some ice cream, then? I can go pick some up while you register for your classes."

Izuku nodded and Mom smiled and ruffled his hair before she left. Izuku turned back to the email and clicked on the link to sign up for classes. The first step was to make sure he was registered for all the required classes, such as science, math, and literature. Then he had to take one foreign language class, so he ended up registering for English, since that was what the school recommended.

The problem was that he also had to take three elective classes, but...Izuku had never really had any hobbies outside of being a hero, which obviously wasn't going to happen. He frowned as he scrolled through his options. Art might be fine, it would help make his notebooks more detailed, if nothing else, so he added that class before he could start to doubt himself. But that still left two classes.

He was most of the way down the list of electives by the time another class caught his eye. Quirk Theory . That could be interesting! Analyzing quirks was one of his favorite parts of watching hero fights, and Eraserhead had mentioned that analyzing villains' quirks would help him fight better, so it wouldn't hurt to learn more about them! But, that still left one final elective. He should probably choose something to do with a hobby, but Izuku really didn't have any hobbies outside of being a vigilante, and somehow he didn't think that his new school would let him count that as an elective.

Thinking of his vigilantism made Izuku restless. It had been almost a week and a half since he'd gone out and he was really starting to miss it. His body had gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night, so he was spending a few hours every night just staring at the ceiling and reminding himself that Mom would never forgive him if he somehow managed to re-break his arm, and that if he did, then he'd have to explain how he'd broken it again, and that would just make her worry too much.

His only consolation about the whole thing was that he knew that none of the heroes were missing him. In fact, they were probably just grateful that he was staying out of the way, and he knew he was being selfish for wanting to feel useful again, but...he just wished there was some way he could still help while he was healing. It would be amazing if he had a quirk that let him see the streets remotely, then he could just call the heroes and send them to where they were needed. It didn't even have to be a quirk! If he even had some sort of drone he could fly without being suspicious, or even just some sort of camera...

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