Chapter 25: Fight

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Shouta watched as some cops dragged away the mugger he'd just taken down, then used his capture weapon to pull himself up onto the rooftops to look for more problems. He wondered if Viridian would call him today before dismissing the thought. He didn't have to talk to the problem child every night. It's not like he was the kid's dad or anything.

He was just about to jump onto the next rooftop when he felt something small and hard bounce off the back of his head. Immediately, he activated his quirk and whirled around, gripping his capture weapon in preparation to deal with whatever threat had managed to sneak up on him, only to see the damn problem child, smiling brightly and waving at him with a goddamn broken arm!

"Kid, is your arm broken?!" Ok, so that probably wasn't the best thing to say, considering that the cast was fairly obvious, but sue him, it was the first time he'd seen the kid in over a month and he shows up with an obvious injury. Of course Shouta had the right to be a little shocked. And what was the kid doing out with a broken arm?

At least the kid had the decency to look embarrassed, "Well, um, not anymore, at least I don't think..." The kid tugged on his sleeve in a belated attempt to hide the cast from view. "It should be pretty much healed by now. But don't worry! I'm not actually planning on getting into any fights tonight, but, um, we need to go so that you can get into a fight!"

Shouta sighed heavily, "Lead the way, problem child."

The kid smiled and took off.

In his defense, Izuku hadn't been looking for a mugging. He'd been planning on finding Eraser first thing, but then he'd heard a scream and he couldn't just leave it alone! Oh well, he'd just have to talk to Eraser about the bee after the fight. Thankfully, because he'd been looking for him in the first place, the mugging wasn't that far from where he'd found Eraserhead, so it didn't take long at all for them to reach it.

He was about to jump down onto the street out of habit when Eraser glared at him, "Stay put, problem child."

Izuku laughed sheepishly, "I, um, wasn't going to join the fight?"

Eraser simply looked at him with a tired skepticism, and Izuku could almost feel him rolling his eyes behind his goggles, but he just sighed and jumped down to take care of the villain. Izuku got out his notebook and started scribbling down the different techniques that he used, most of which Izuku was familiar with from watching previous fights. There was only one guy, and he was obviously a little drunk, so it didn't take long at all for Eraser to take him down and restrain him.

Wait, now that the villain was restrained, the cops would probably be coming soon to take him in, and Izuku probably shouldn't still be there when they came, seeing as how he was a vigilante and all. Izuku put his notebook back in his pocket and stood to leave, only to be wrapped in Eraser's capture weapon before he could jump to the next roof.

He looked up at Eraser, who was glaring at him with his quirk activated, "Go home, problem child."

Izuku couldn't help pouting like a petulant child, "I've hardly left my house in five weeks, Eraser! I"m going stir crazy!"

"Running around with a broken arm is irrational." Eraser countered.

"I've only been outside like three times in the last month!" Izuku pleaded. Now that he was actually out and running around, he didn't want to go back home. "And one of those was to go to the grocery store, so it doesn't even count! Please, just let me have this!"

Eraser simply tightened his capture weapon slightly, "Do I need to escort you home?"

"I'm a vigilante, remember?" Izuku pointed out. "I've got a secret identity to protect."

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