Chapter 90: Nomu

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Shouta was either going to expel this kid or give him an award. Maybe both. On the one hand, it was completely idiotic for him to run toward the villains and start chewing them out, but on the other hand, it was working. Only about a third of the villains had turned around and left, though, which meant that he was left to fight through the rest of them as Bakguo faced down the leaders. Luckily so far, they'd been in too much shock to be able to do anything, but Shouta wasn't stupid. He knew it was only a matter of time until they snapped out of it and when they did, they'd be pissed.

There was a loud crash from near the entrance and the leader's body language changed. He scratched at his neck and hissed something to the mist warper that Shouta couldn't quite catch. The warper disappeared in the blink of an eye and the leader turned to glare at Bakugo, "Nomu! Incapacitate him!"

Shouta had no clue who Nomu was, he hadn't ever heard of that villain before, but now they had orders to hurt his student and Shouta was swamped by cannon fodder and couldn't get to him. The only thing he could do was erase the villain's quirk, but he had no idea what they even looked like, so his only option was to activate his quirk in Bakugo's general direction while being careful not to erase Explosion. Bakugo didn't have any good options either. Not knowing where the attack would be coming from, he'd launched himself into the air, probably hoping to get out of the mystery villain's reach.

It wasn't enough.

Nomu must have had a speed quirk or at least a strength quirk that allowed him to move with superhuman speed because when he entered the area where Shouta was activating his quirk, he slowed down enough to be visible, but that was it. The villain was giant and even without his quirk, he was strong enough to pluck Bakugo from the air by one leg like it was nothing. There was an audible snap and Bakugo screamed.

"Kacchan!" Shouta hissed as he took a blow to his side. He'd been so busy erasing Nomu's quirk that he'd only been half focusing on the villains attacking him. He quickly wrapped his scarf around his newest attacker and tossed them away. He heard another snap and tried to reach Bakugo, only for three other villains to block his path. He growled and shifted his stance. His student was in danger and he was done playing around.

Denki grinned as the door flew off its hinges and rocketed toward them, then panicked as he realized that meant that it was about to hit him. He rushed to shut off his quirk, but even without actively being pulled toward him, the door still had momentum so Denki braced himself for impact. He heard a loud clang and hesitantly peaked one eye open, only to open them wide when he saw Kirishima standing in front of him with his arms outspread, the metal off the door moulding slightly around his body from the force of the impact.

"Hey dude." He grinned as he pushed the door to the floor. "It was pretty manly of you to open the door for us."

Denki let out a nervous huff, "Yeah. And it's pretty manly of you to, you know, save my life?"

"Not so fast."

Denki looked up and froze when he realized one of the villains was standing right in front of them, blocking the path to the opening. The guy was made out of the same mist that they'd seen down in the plaza, so he must have a warping quick. At least that explained how he'd gotten past them without anyone noticing him, but it didn't make him any easier to fight.

"My name is Kurogiri and we are the league of villains." The mist man introduced. "We came here looking to kill All Might, but it appears that our plans have been interrupted. No matter. That does not change your fate."

"No, but passion might!" Inasa yelled. "What'll happen if that mist of yours is blown away?!"

"Inasa! No!"

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