Chapter 16

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🎵So I'll just shut my eyes

Forget that you were mine🎶

🎶 How do you go from making one your home

And then just letting it all go🎵

"AVE, OH GOD! PLEASE wake up!"

The last thing she remembered was hearing Shelly's voice. She felt a hand squeezing hers. Even without opening her eyes, she was sure she was lying on a bed. With her eyes shut, the recent image of David holding a newborn in his arms flashed back to her. She didn't feel like waking up. The courage to open her eyes diminished, thinking David's possibly near her. She couldn't imagine sharing the same room with the person inflicting her sorrow.

She didn't want to see him. Not in her current state. How could she have fainted when she was supposed to slap his face as she confronted him about his big fat lies? Avery wished Shelly felt her dilemma. Or she would have to pretend to be asleep until she could confirm David was not in the same room. But, like most of the time, Shelly may have heard her thoughts.

"Art, make sure that asshole won't get the chance to enter this room. I don't care how you do it. I don't want him near Ave."

"Shelly, sweetheart, you can't decide for Avery. When she wakes up, talking to David is her decision to make."

"I know, but as her friend, the only way I can do to protect her is to get him away from her. Can you blame me?" Shelly's voice croaked. "She doesn't deserve any of this shit." 

"What about her parents? Shouldn't we call them to tell them she is in the hospital?"

"And say what? That their asshole son-in-law to be caused all of this to their precious daughter?" Shelly's sobbing followed.

"Calm down, sweetheart. Let's wait for Ave to wake up and be the support that she needs. I don't want you to be stressed out and get sick, too."

After hearing the couple's conversation, Avery couldn't help but cry. She realized her plight had been affecting the people she cared for. She wished there was a way to turn back time and not come here to surprise David. Perhaps things would have been better. Shelly and Art would be at peace enjoying their newlywed life in Boston. She wouldn't be in misery. But would she choose to be blindsided by David's continuous betrayal of her?

"Ave, how are you feeling?" Shelly's hand wiped the tears from her face. When she opened her eyes, Shelly gave her a clenched half-smile. She was seated on the right side of her bed while Art stood behind her, giving a deep sigh. Avery cringed with humiliation; she felt guilty and sad.

"Where am I?"

Shelly tried to stand up from her seat. Art placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her. He motioned for his wife to calm down.

Shelly sighed aloud. "We're still in Cedar Sinai. You collapsed when we were about to open the door to room 606."

There was hesitation in Shelly's last words. Avery knew her best friend didn't want to remind her about David. Maybe Shelly thought Avery hadn't seen David with the baby before she'd fainted at the door.

"Does he know that I'm here?" Avery looked at the couple's faces.

Both nodded in unison. She bit her lip and fisted her hands. She couldn't cry. It would only add to the worry her friends were feeling for her. However, she didn't deserve to be where she was right now. Shelly and Art didn't deserve to get dragged into her life's tragedy. Before she could say anything else, Shelly beat her to it.

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