Chapter 51

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AVERY BIT HER LIP and looked at Ethan. "Help! Shelly's asking now."

Ethan smiled. "Shelly would understand. It's David we have to be ready for. I don't think he will wait for the paternity petition result. I'm sure he would ask to meet you."

Avery nodded. "I thought maybe I shouldn't wait for him to ask. It might be better if I invite him now. Besides, I wouldn't know if he tried contacting me—I blocked his number."

Ethan pecked her nose. "That sounds good! Whatever you decide, I'll always be here to support you, my love." 

Avery brushed her fingers over his cheeks. "Thank you for always making me feel my worth. For allowing me to make my own decisions."

The door burst open as Ethan put his arms around Avery's waist. Her face flushed, Shelly entered with Art holding her hand.

"Ave! What was Attorney Bartlett saying? What's with his evil smile when he told me I might have to ditch my epic bridal shower planned for my best friend?" 

Without waiting for Avery's answer, Shelly untangled her hand from Art's and sat on the couch. Avery followed and sat beside her best friend. The two men gave each other an eye signal and walked out of the room together.

Avery slowly held Shelly's hand and squeezed it. "Shells... I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She cleared her throat. "Ethan and I married in the courthouse a few weeks ago." Shelly quietly faced her. "After the attorney explained everything to us, we decided. Ethan wouldn't want the baby to be born out of wedlock. I want little Bean to have a family..." Avery's voice croaked. "Ethan wanted him to know he belonged to a family from the moment he was born." Avery sniffed. She bowed her head and wiped the tears from her eyes.

When she lifted her head and looked at Shelly, she was surprised to see her best friend in tears. "Did Ethan say that? Did he mean what he said? He wanted my godson to have a family when he was born?" Shelly started wiping her tears with her hands.

Avery nodded. "Yes, Shells. David might see it as a revenge move or my not wanting him to have anything to do with the baby. But it's Ethan's way of showing how much he loves me. It's his way of expressing his complete acceptance of the baby."

Shelly hugged a startled Avery. After a few seconds, she pulled away and started wiping Avery's tears. "Ave, I'm so happy for you. I'm happy you found a good man in Ethan. A man whose genuine love is beyond. You deserve all the happiness coming your way!"

"Thank you, Shells! I love you!" Avery hugged her best friend back.

Shelly pulled away. "Forget the bridal shower! Instead, I'll plan the greatest baptismal celebration for my godson!"

Avery laughed hard, seeing the mood change in Shelly. "Triple OMG! I so love you! Mood swings and all!"

"I can't wait! You do not know how many significant themes are now for baby celebrations! I can..." Shelly's face crunched when the door opened, and Art came in, his face pale, with a phone in his hand. "You have bad timing skills! Do you know that?" She scowled at her husband.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Art handed his phone to Shelly. "David wants to talk to you!"

Shelly grabbed the phone. "What's going on, dickhead?"


David asked to meet with Avery when he called Shelly. He was a man on a mission. The day would not pass without him getting answers from Avery. From the last time he talked to her at Ethan's house, he felt a chance to have a future with her had loosened from his grip. But he didn't want to give up. They were just engaged. Anyone could still call off an engagement.

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