Chapter 17

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THE FOUR OF THEM were in shock. Then, finally, it was Art who dared ask the question.

"What did you say, Doc?"

"Avery is two months pregnant. I believe congratulations are in order. I referred her to an OB. She must get prescriptions and diet advice to avoid the same situation, especially with the baby."

They could have heard a pin drop in the room's silence. Even after the doctor and nurses left, they still stood staring at each other, no one knowing what to say. There was a long pause before Shelly said the first word.

"Do you want to have that talk with him now?" After getting a nod from Avery, Shelly held Art's hand and dragged him towards the door. "We will just be outside waiting." As they passed by David, Shelly scowled at him.

David quietly sat on the chair beside Avery's bed when the door shut. He tried to take her hand, but she pulled away. She made him talk without asking questions. David was the one who had all the explaining to do.

"Ave, babe... I'm sorry. Please let me explain." His head bowed. Avery didn't even glance at him. When he lifted his head and looked at her face, he saw stiffness and anger. But the suffering he felt emanating from her body made him feel more guilty. When Avery unconsciously placed her hand on her stomach, they lost it.

Avery's eyes welled with tears as her chest heaved fast and deep. David's tears fell on his cheeks. For ten minutes, they said no words. They just let all their tears explode.

As she wiped her tears, Avery glanced at David. His eyes were closed, tears falling. His hands froze on his disheveled hair. How did they get to this? What happened to them? She thought he'd already answered the same questions when she first confronted him. How easy it could have been if his answer had solved everything. "It's not you; it's me." But, instead, their situation made her realize it wasn't just a simple, not her; it was his reasoning. All his lies and betrayal brought them where they are right now.

Avery understood everything that had happened was no longer a question that needed answers. Instead, their situation now required action. A solution that would not just be about them: remembering the precious one inside her body, she placed her hand on her belly. The baby was more important than her feelings. It was her priority now.

"You should have been honest with me. Telling me you want out is better than this! How could you lie so well?" Avery asked in a whisper. Immediately, David lifted his head and looked her in the eye.

With tears flowing down his cheeks, he gazed at her face. "There are no words to explain what I did. Babe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not telling you everything. But please don't doubt my love for you. I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn't want to hurt you."

Before he could touch her hand, Avery snatched it from his reach. Though brimming with tears, her eyes shot angrily at him.

"Which part of what you did didn't hurt me? I wasn't just hurt; you broke me. Not only once. I can't even count the times you tore my heart into pieces. Did I doubt your feelings for me? What a statement that was coming from you! I guess you have a different definition of love."

Avery's long and loud breathing echoed in the room. She felt nauseous, remembering that David's baby with another woman was just born a few hours ago. She fought the urge to throw up as the events in the cafe parking lot flashed back. Her eyes squinted, and carefully she patted her stomach. David seemed to notice her discomfort. He stood up and placed his hand on her belly.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay, babe?"

In between tears, Avery answered. "I'm not okay. How can you expect me to be? Being here is not how I envisioned my pregnancy news to be. I trusted you! I forgave you! How could you do this to me?"

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