Chapter 11: Tears

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The small window was closed. The cloaked man eyed it with a grin underneath his mask. He climbed on the small ledge, groaning at the exercise. He glanced inside, making sure the two were sound asleep; he knew they wouldn't wake up, too tired to move. The man gripped the ledge of the window above this one, using it as leverage. He swung for a few moments, his feet dangling over the edge, before he kicked the window-edge. It didn't shatter, as the man had predicted, but instead, fell cleanly off the hinges, tumbling to the ground. It barely made a noise, falling onto a carpet. The man grinned, glad the hotel owner had been so cheap as to not fully block the hinges inside the window frame. The glass pane had been placed against it, the hinges barely screwed in.

The man slipped inside the window, his feet first. He quickly avoided the glass pane, picking it up with his gloved hands and placing it back. He turned around, walking towards the bed. His step was slow, and heavy, his eyes dark. His breath was labored, and heavy, making Idris stir. He dropped down to his knees, next to Idris and leaned down, his eyes twinkling behind his mask. "You're still as beautiful," he croaked, his voice dusty.

Ali turned over, slowly waking up. The man froze, staring at him. Ali rubbed his eyes, looking around the room, vaguely remembering what happened. It was a haze and barely present in his mind. Ali's eyes moved to the man, instantly stopping his movements. Time seemed to stop flowing. The silence was too loud.

The man's eyes glinted darkly. Ali blinked twice, hoping it was an illusion and not a real person who was creepily standing close to a sleeping Idris. But the man didn't vanish. He stayed there, the tension starting to press on both of them. None of them moving.

Idris stirred, sensing Ali was awake. Her eyes opening. "Ali? What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" She asked, slowly sitting up. Ali didn't move, not speaking, his mouth hanging open. Idris instantly sensed the tension in the room and followed Ali's gaze, soon finding herself staring straight into the man's eyes. His eyes seemed to soften when he saw her, before turning hard again.

Idris was quicker to react than her partner, a knife flashing in her hand. Ali didn't know where it had come from, but she managed to jab it at the mysterious man. He jumped back, landing on his knees. He groaned, his brow furrowing in anger.

"Who are you?" Idris hissed, gripping the knife, and sliding out of bed. Ali grabbed his own sword, which was thrown on the floor next to him. The man said nothing, stepping backwards towards the window. He punched the window, watching as it shattered in a thousand pieces. He hissed in pain. He had broken it this time.

"He's trying to escape!" Ali yelled, wielding his sword. He wavered for a second, clearly not fully recovered, his view unfocused and beads of sweat gliding down his forehead.

Idris gritted her teeth. The man glanced at her. "You're still as beautiful as ever." He whispered, his voice barely audible.

Idris froze, the voice vaguely familiar. The man took the moment of confusion to drop a bomb of smoke in front of them.

Ali started coughing, and hiding his mouth with his sleeve. He could see Idris, standing still, her eyes wide. She was inhaling all of the smoke. Ali ran towards her, yanking her against himself and pressing her face against his chest. "Don't breath." He said, waving his arm around, the smoke starting to dissipate.

When Ali's vision cleared, he saw the man was gone. A simple strip of fabric stuck on one of the shards on the window sill. "It tore off," he mumbled, starting to head towards it, his head clouded with thoughts.

But Idris stopped him. She was trembling in his arms. Ali looked down, confused. "Idris?" He asked, lifting her chin. Her eyes glittered with tears.

"Ali," she whimpered, her eyes wide, before she burst into tears, crumbling in his arms.

Ali didn't know what to do, and held her close, wondering who that man was to reduce Idris like this.

Ali didn't know what to do, and held her close, wondering who that man was to reduce Idris like this

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The Genie Who Lost Her Lamp Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα