Chapter 2: The Legend

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(Credits to the rightful owner of the drawing)

The woman sat down, crossing her legs elegantly, laying her slender fingers on her knees. "The story of the genie who lost her lamp," she whispered, lifting her eyes and gazing at Ali.

He was mesmerized, lost in those green eyes. They were captivating, almost luring him in. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. He didn't move. It seemed the bar was still, no matter that the story was an already heard one. They still wanted to listen to the captivating woman.

The woman looked around, eyeing an abandoned glass on the table. It was filled with alcohol. She took it, downing it in one go. She sighed happily, slamming the glass down on the table. Ali flinched. The woman realized, grinning, her teeth sharp. "It's surprising that you don't know this story...sir," she added at the last minute, not sure if being polite was the right choice. "Did no one read you bedtime stories?" She scoffed, wiping her mouth.

Ali wanted to shake his head and say that his parents were too busy ruling and they didn't care enough for him. He didn't though. It would be a bad idea. People would start asking questions and he didn't want that. Ali blinked, coming back to reality. The woman had been observing him intently, making sure he was paying attention. She seemed to have understood he was somewhere else, and now realized he was back.

The woman adjusted the veil over her face, making sure it covered everything. Her eyes scanned the room one time before she inhaled deeply. She exhaled soon after, the room seemed to dim in light, the sun shrinking back.

"There once was a time, where genies roamed the land. Magic lamps were found everywhere and everyone was able to wish for what they wanted. Everything seemed to go smoothly until the genies realized how twisted, and dark the humans were. They wished for power, for money, and for others to suffer. The genies tried to establish rules to stop the greed of humans. It was futile. The humans found loopholes and started to ask for greater things. Evil things. The genies, despairing for the world, started to disappear, breaking and shattering their own lamps to save the humans, even though they didn't deserve it. The least courageous ones tried to hide themselves. Slowly, the lamps became rare itemes. Something to be desired."

As the woman was narrating, a grey mist seeped through the door. It seemed it was drawn to the story teller, pooling around her. Ali blinked, not sure if what he saw was true. The mist seemed to take the shape of what the woman was narrating. The genies, the lamps...everything.

"There was one man in particular...cruel and heartless. He had the luck of finding a magic lamp on the beach. He took it home, summoning the genie. The genie of this lamp was a stunning woman, beautiful. The master started to express his wishes one by one. He desired for a house, a harem and many more things. Right before expressing his last wish, he summoned the genie, asking her to marry him. The genie, unable to love such a monster, didn't agree. The man, furious and wounded in his pride decided to take his revenge. His cruel mind realized that he couldn't do much to hurt the genie. The only thing he could actually damage, was the lamp. He thought that killing her was going too easy on her. He wanted to make her suffer. So he wished for her to be forever divided from her lamp, and that she would never be able to touch it herself, or be able to see it. Someone else would have to give it to her. Someone who would love the genie. And so the genie started to wander the land, helpless and in search for her lamp, lost and without a home. Every time she gets closer, the lamp moves, unable to stay with her mistress. Her pain has been going on for centuries, a torture worse than death."

As the story ended, the woman's tone became sadder, her eyes cast down. The mist danced, following the lulling voice of the woman, darkening at every word. Ali inhaled shakily. This woman was a wonderful storyteller: he could feel the dreadful pain the genie was feeling. It was almost like...the girl was the genie.

"The story says that whoever finds the lamp and gives it to the genie, will have her as their servant until the end of time. The wishes unlimited."

The woman had gone silent, the room following suit. Ali looked at her. Her green eyes were cast on the mist, as a small figure of a woman was wandering on the edge of the table. Her face didn't have any details, but it was clear she was in pain. Ali didn't feel like breaking the silence. It would feel wrong. The sounds of the market had quieted down.

The woman blinked, her eyes moving up to him. "So...what do you say, sir? Would you want to help me find the lamp? She would become our servant...would grant everything we want."

Ali stayed silent, not sure what to say. He looked up, his throat dry. The two looked at each other for a few seconds. "I'm sure there's something you desire. Something that's not possible without the aid of magic," the woman whispered, placing her finger underneath his chin to lift it up.

Ali opened his eyes wider. Her hand was warm. The warmth coursed through him, jolting him awake. He did have something he desired. Something he wished would come true. He looked down, focusing on the little shadow silhouette that was still wandering. Ali looked back up at the girl. "Yes...I do have something..." the pause he took was heavy. Everyone leaned in, their eyes wide. "I'll be coming with you,"

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