Chapter 4: Run!

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( Picture of Ali. Credits to the rightful owner of the drawing)

Ali looked down. The small glass bottle was heavy in his palm. It carried the weight of a whole person, and the power bestowed upon him. Ali observed the blood with interest, lifting the vial to see it better. The lighting in the bar was provided by simple candles, and he had to bring it close to his face to see the red liquid.

As Ali rotated the vial to see the blood sluggishly move around, a small spark seemed to erupt from the blood. He flinched, rubbing his eyes. Ali looked closer, unsure of what he had seen. The blood seemed normal, simply staining the glass. 'I must have seen wrong,' the man thought to himself. 'I'm too tired.'

"Well...I suppose we should celebrate," the bar attender said after some silence. The bar was stunned by what they had just seen, and Idris and Ali were each observing the vial now in their possession. The idea of drinking and partying seemed to wake everyone up from the stupor they all felt.

"Yes! Bring all the best alcohol you have, sir! I'll pay!" A young noble man cried in the corner. He was seriously drunk, and would probably regret his decision later, but he had money to spare. The bar erupted in loud cheers, making everyone clap their hands and start to holler happily.

In the sudden chaos, everyone seemed to move, becoming a blur. The only two figures left standing still were the woman and the man, both holding onto each other's blood. They looked in each other's eyes, the weight of what they had just done drowning out the sound of the bar around them. Ali was bound to this woman and so was she to him. They were closer than kin now.

A large man rushed forward, hitting Ali's shoulder and making him stumble forward, ending closer to Idris. She looked at him, her hand hovering in the air for a second, not sure if she should place it on his shoulder, but she quickly dropped it. "Well...better put this away. I don't want it to break," Idris said, glancing at the vial. Ali mumbled something that sounded like a 'yes', before he slipped it inside his pocket. The man looked up, just in time to see Idris put the vial in her shirt, in between her breasts. His mouth dropped, his eyes widening.

Idris noticed, looking down. "What? It's a safe place. No one really looks there. And I don't think you'll have the courage to take it if necessary," Idris said, shaking her shoulders. Ali didn't know if he should be offended by the remark or apologize for staring at..them...for a bit too long.

His dilemma was quickly resolved: Idris grabbed his arm, yanking him closer, placing a bottle of arak in his hand. "Let's get out of here! It's too noisy!" Idris yelled, shouting over the sound of the bar tender singing an old ballad.

"Yes! I know a place! Follow me!" Ali shouted back, gripping the cold bottle tightly, not wanting it to slide out of his fingers and crash on the floor. He turned around, grabbing Idris' wrist and starting to head outside. It was difficult. Everyone was trying to push them back inside. After a few minutes of struggle, the two managed to escape the stuffy bar.

As soon as the cool air of the night enveloped them, both realized how sweaty they actually were. The outside was extremely cold, while the inside was filled with people. "Oh...phew, finally out of there," Idris sighed, leaning against the side of the bar.

"Yes," Ali replied, his mouth dry. "Let's go. The place is right around the corner," Ali said, grabbing her hand.

Ali had accidentally used his wounded hand to grip her wounded one. "Ah!" They both shouted, looking down at the open wounds. "We need to get these cleaned up," Ali sighed, wincing.

Idris nodded. "Yes...we can use the arak. It'll disinfect it," she said, nodding her head toward the glass bottle. Ali looked down.

"Yes...but let's not do it here. I don't want them to come out and drag us in again," Ali said, laughing at the thought.

Idris snorted. "Yes. Had enough of that." She put a hand on her hip. "Where do you want to take me?" Idris asked.

Just as Ali was about to answer, the door from the bar opened, and a drunk man stumbled out. "Hey...c-come're the ones we're celebrating!" He yelled, tripping to the side.

Ali looked to the side, quickly glancing at Idris. "Run. And follow me!" He shouted, a smile slipping on his face. The man started to run, sprinting. Idris quickly behind, following. The drunk man tried following them to bring them back inside, but the two younger ones were faster. Ali was laughing loudly as he ran, slipping through alleys and streets, making sure Idris was behind him.

They were getting closer, but Ali didn't want to stop running. He felt alive. He was feeling alive after so long. The wind rushing through his body, the sweat dripping down his back, the moon shining on the sleeping city, the woman running behind him. It all made him jump happily, the brightest smile on his face. "We're almost there!" Ali said, looking behind his shoulder.

Idris nodded, her smile wide as well. "I'll follow you." She said. Ali felt his heart spark, extending his hand. Idris took it, starting to run faster, his hand gripping hers.

The two passed behind an abandoned building. Ali kicking the door of the garden open, stepped inside. "We're here!" Ali shouted, dropping to the ground, laughing and looking at the night sky. He didn't let go of her hand, dragging her down with him. Idris was laughing as well, laying next to him.

"Where are we, exactly?" Idris asked after the two had both cooled down.

"Look for yourself," Ali said, smiling at her. Idris sat up, her hand still in Ali's. As she saw where they were, she gasped, her eyes wide. "Oh wow..."

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