five -edited-

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Dad leaves as Jacob and I stand outside talking. "You need to talk to Embry," I state scowling at the boy in front of me when he mentions how he was on his way to hurt Embry before he came in. "I know, I just, I need to calm down first." He says, setting his hands on my hips. I immediately step back, sighing. "Jake." "I know, I'm sorry." He carefully takes my hand, pulling it up and planting a kiss on the back of it. "I'll go talk to Embry." He says quietly. "Thank you," I mutter, not wanting to pull my hand away but doing so anyway.

He starts to walk away, slowly turning his back on me. I grab his hand, stopping him. "We'll be okay," I promise, knowing we will it'll just take a little bit. He intertwines his fingers with mine, pulling me to him. "Let's both go talk to Embry." He whispers, pushing hair behind my ear. I nod, simply wanting to be in the same area with him again. The car ride is silent, our hands each sat with our palms up in the hopes that one of us will reach out and hold our hand. It doesn't happen. I sigh as I climb out at Sam's, shaking my head slightly. I plant a smile on my face as I walk in. Hugging each of the boys before going to Emily.

Embry is the last person to get a hug, he carefully wraps his arms around me, eyeing Jacob. Said boy growls when Embry holds me too long. I step back. "Can we talk to you?" I ask, motioning outside. He nods, following us outside. "Listen, we need to talk about what happened the day Elizabeth and I broke up." "You guys broke up?" He asks incredulously. "Yes." Jacob sighs, looking over at me. I turn his head to look at Embry again. "Why did you break up with him?" "Because we talked about all the wrong he did I let him get away with, so." I shrug. "It just kinda happened."

"Kinda happened? You mean you didn't even think about it?" Jacob turns to me quickly. "Jacob, not now." "No, now, Elizabeth." He seethes. "No, I didn't think about it. It just happened." I snap, glaring at him. "Just happened. Just happened." He growls, glaring at me. "Jacob, I told you not to do this right now. You were my first relationship, I don't know how to handle this." I hiss before looking at Embry. "You guys talk, Jacob needs to work out some anger, I'll be back." I glare at Jacob as I push past him.

I storm inside, taking one of the muffins sitting on the counter in front of Emily. "You okay, El?" I shrug, picking apart my muffin. "Jacob's angry with me again," I mumble. "Why?" "Because I broke up with him without thinking about it. He's my first everything, I didn't know how to handle it so I broke up with him." I state. "Do you still love him?" "Of course. It has nothing to do with the imprint, I loved him before that. Do you remember the long hair?" I laugh slightly, remembering him working on the car, his hair hanging down in his face. "Of course." She laughs, walking around the counter to me.

"There was one time he let me braid it. I'm not sure if he remembers because he was half asleep, but still." I smile, looking down at the counter. "That was the night I fell in love with you, Elizabeth." I turn at the sound of his voice, realizing he had heard the entire time. "You had this adorable look on your face as you concentrated," Jacob states, walking closer. My face goes red and I look down. He grabs my chin, picking my head up, pushing hair behind my ear with his free hand. "You had Deftones playing. Sex tape. You mumbled all the lyrics, thinking I couldn't hear you."

I can feel my face heating up again. "Jake." "You wore my grey sweatshirt and black shorts. I remember it all, Elizabeth." He says, grabbing my hands. "I love you, Liz." I stand, wrapping my arms around his neck as his instinctively wrap around my waist. "Finally." Sam laughs. "Maybe this time you'll stay together." Embry jokes, pushing Jacob's shoulder. "We will," Jacob promises, kissing my forehead. I smile, looking up at him as he picks me up, wrapping his arms tighter.

"Jacob, we gotta get home," I mumble, pulling away from him. "C'mon." I grab his hand, attempting to pull him with me. "I'm coming." He laughs. "We'll be back soon." He states, following after me. Once we're outside he grabs my waist, pulling me to him. "I missed you." He whispers, kissing my cheek over and over. I push his face away, jokingly wiping the kisses off. "Ew!" I laugh when he spins me around to face him, planting kisses all over my face. "You're gonna regret that." He jokes, throwing me over his shoulder. "Jacob!"

Running all the way to the truck, dropping me to my feet, pressing me against the door, kissing my face again and again. "Jacob!" Our laughter mixes as he finally allows me to climb in. "I really did miss you, Liz." "I missed you too, stupid." I lean across the seat, grabbing his face and pressing my lips to his. He sighs into the kiss, relaxing against me. "Let's get you home." "Home or to the Cullens?" I ask. "Home." This means we're going to dads. I smile, holding his hand and scooting into the middle so we're as close as can be in the small truck. We pull up to the house and dad comes out.

"Hey, kid!" He seems happy. "Hey, dad." I wrap one arm around him in a hug as the other is still holding Jacob's hand, refusing to let go. "What're you so happy about? Not that I'm complaining." "Bella's okay. It's a need-to-know thing, but she's okay." I smile, knowing that Jacob's little stunt helped everyone. "She is. She has been." I state. "How long have you known?" "A while," I mutter, knowing I've also betrayed my dad's trust. "And yet you never told me." "I couldn't." "Couldn't or wouldn't?" He grumbles. "Dad, don't be like that." "Like what? Angry?" I growl, pushing past him.

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