Chapter 9 : Hideout

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Morris drove aimlessly on the dark road, assessing his situation. He got put on the rogue list, meaning the entire organization would be looking for him. His financial and technical supports were cut off, and his name would be on every watch list among authorities.

Like Interpol, Orion collaborates with other agencies, a tradecraft established shortly after the Cold War. By accessing any form of public transportation, lodging and transaction would reveal his location, and would alarm the closest authority to have him arrested.

Moscow has the highest surveillance cameras in the world besides London, with advance facial recognition that would find him wherever he shows his face. In the computer era, technology is the worst enemy.

"Where are we going?" the little girl's voice woke him from his thoughts.

"We need a place to crash, and to rethink."

"Can you call my father?"

"I can if you know the number."

JoJo went quiet, regretted that she never made the effort to memorize her parents' phone number. Thinking of this, Morris rolled down the window, threw his phone out and closed it again. Cell phones can be tracked, even when they were turned off.

She looked out the window, they were back in the city again. Under the rain, neon lights and LED billboards illuminating the air into red and blue.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"The last place they'll look for a little girl."

On the busy street, JoJo noticed the pedestrian were all adults, with men in suits and jackets, and women dressed in a skimpy fashion.

"Is this the Red Light District?"

"What do you know about the Red Light District?" Morris asked.

"Just something we heard on TV." JoJo answered. "Isn't it more dangerous here?"

"True, but it will also confuse your enemy, and the facial recognition system, it can't track so many faces all at the same time."

"Isn't it safer if we get out of the city?"

"Where did you get that idea?" Morris amused at the little girl.

"They taught us emergency evacuation."

"At your age?"

"It's a military school." JoJo answered.

"Well, they probably didn't teach you this." Morris chuckled. "Tactically, you are right. But if you're being chased, the highway narrows you down to a single path, makes you an easy target."

Morris spoke as he turned into a dark alley.

"In a city, there are streets and buildings to maneuver, there are always somewhere to hide, waited out, give you time to collect your thinking, to plan the next step."

He finally parked the car and turned to the girl.

"Also, when you're in a highly populated area, they can't draw fire without risk hitting pedestrian. The human shield is your friend."

Morris made one last check on his gun, got out of the car and opened the other side for JoJo.

"Stay close. High populated areas are also known for losing kids."

But he needn't say more, the little girl clenched her fist to his jacket like her life depended on it. She saw the big man pushed through a door, followed him pass a dim corridor that opened to a reception, realizing that they have just come through a backdoor.

She saw Morris whispered through a wired glass window, the clerk behind hardly looked up, took his money and slipped out a key.

They walked up the stairs, came face to face with a couple coming down. The girl was young, her jacket was furry, but under all that thick fur revealed only a red bra inside. The man could be as old as her father, his eyes switched from JoJo to Morris and back.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

The man quickly turned away by Morris' murderous glare.

They reached the third floor and down a narrow corridor, the carpet was red but worn and full of cigarette burns, behind the line of doors came sounds that made JoJo uncomfortable.

Morris reached the end of the corridor, inserted his key and pushed the door open, went in first to make sure it's empty, then let JoJo inside before anyone sees them.

"This is a brothel, isn't it?" JoJo looked at the room distastefully.

"It isn't the Four Seasons, but it's safe, for now." Morris pulled up the curtains and checked the bathroom.

JoJo looked at the only bed in the room, thinking what people use it for, she didn't even want to touch it.

"Where will you sleep?" she raised her concern.

"You sleep here. I need to go and find a way to reach your father."

"You're leaving me here?" suddenly, sharing a room with this man may not be the worst idea, for now.

"Places like this offers absolute privacy, no one is gonna find you here."

He got down on one knee so he could level with her face, he ran a finger to fix her hair.

"Look. It must be a tough day for you, but tomorrow maybe tougher. You must store up your energy, sleep when you can, eat when you can, so you can fight another day. Okay?"

JoJo nodded, sat herself on the bed quietly. Morris checked his gear and went to the door.

"Leave the light and the TV on, so people may think you're awake. Sleep fully dress, and keep your shoes on. You may never know when you need to make a run."

"Okay." the little girl nodded again.

"Go to sleep, JoJo. I wanna see you sleeping when I get back." he stepped out and about to close the door.

"Wait!" the girl jumped out of bed.

"What is it?" Morris stopped halfway.

"Do you have a name?"


The big man closed the door as he left, leaving JoJo all alone in this unfamiliar place.

I wanna see you sleeping when I get back. It was something her father would say, right before he heads out for some late night gatherings. She hated it, it made her feel neglected, but hearing it again from the big man, it made her missed her father all so much.

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