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After an amazing vacation Daniella is now getting ready for her sister’s wedding. Even though the wedding is small with only close family and friends there are lot of work to be done. Daniella took it upon herself to make the day perfect for her sister and not let her take any stress.

“The florist is such an ass,” Daniella screamed as she entered the room where her sister Lauren is getting ready.

“What happened now?” Lauren asked rather calmly as she did the final touch of her make up.

“At first he sent white roses instead of white lilies, when I called and ask him he said they were out of lilies, after I yelled at him for not informing us sooner suddenly white lilies became available and now he is calling me the angry young lady,” Daniella said one breath before crashing in the couch.

Lauren chuckled, thankful that het sister is taking care of all the incoming disaster. “I can only imagine how you will be on your own wedding.”

Daniella chose to ignore her sister’s words and closed her eyes, trying to relax.

“Can you help me with the dress?”

She pulled her tired self up and helped her sister put on the dress.

“I look huge,” Lauren said as she put her hands on her pregnant belly.

“You look beautiful,” Daniella smiled. “And Artem is very lucky to have you in his life….no crying,” she said as she noticed her sister is about to cry.

“I think you should get ready too,” Lauren said, holding back her tears. “We don’t have much time.”

Daniella gave her sister a hug before leaving to go get ready. Compared to the bride she took much less time.

“You need to see this,” Collins came running and pulled her to another room.

“What is going on?”

“Dad is talking to Lando,” Lauren said looking out the window.

“What?” Daniella joined her sister and Collins followed her.

Guests are arriving and taking their seat and in the middle of that Lando is being interrogated by his girlfriend’s father.

“Do you think I should go save him?” Daniella asked her sisters.

“Nah, its just dad. He won’t kill your boyfriend, maybe just scare him a little bit,” Lauren said.

“Oh shit!,” Daniella’s eyes went wide as she saw her great aunt Fiona join Lando and het father.

“Yeah you should definitely go save him now.”

Daniella ran to the garden where all the guests were and spotted her boyfriend who looks like he is about to burst into flames.

“Hey,” she joined in. Lando looked relieved and immediately came to her side.

“Thank god you are here,” her father said. “Save him.” He left to see his eldest daughter.

“Save me,” Lando whispered.

“Hi my dear,” Fiona gave a tight smile. “I was just having a chat with this young man. Don’t you think he will be a great match with your cousin Bethany?”

“She is already married Fiona,” Daniella replied.

“Nonsense,” Fiona laughed. “She would have invited me to her wedding.”

“Would she though?” Daniella asked which made Fiona stop laughing. “Why don’t you take your seat, the ceremony will start soon.”

Daniella hold Lando’s hand and took him away from the guests. “I am so sorry about her.”

“It’s fine,” he said politely.


“Well…I was starting to get scared that she might kidnap and take me to your cousin,” he joked making Daniella laugh.

He looked at her with a smile on his face while she laughed.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

“You look beautiful,” he said making her blush.

“Well, you look handsome too,” she smiled before kissing him.

Lando’s eyes were on Daniella for the entire wedding ceremony who can’t help but shed a few tears of happiness. He didn’t think it was possible to fall in love more but here he is falling in love with her more and more everyday.

“May I have this dance?” he asked his girlfriend who gladly took his hand. The  couple joined rest of the guest for a dance as the slow music played.

“That was a beautiful ceremony,” he said as the both started to dance slowly.

“It was,” Daniella smiled. “I hope I also get to experience that some day.”

“We will…in the future.”

“You think we will get married someday?”

“Yes,” he answered in a heartbeat. “Maybe after four or five years.”

Daniella smiled and kissed him. Her boyfriend is the perfect guy for her and she has fallen madly in love with him.

“I need to tell you something,” she said , feeling a little nervous.

“What is it?”

“Don’t freak out or leave me here standing alone after hearing this, but…”

“You are scaring me Ella,” he let out a nervous laugh.

“I love you,” she confessed. “I am completely in love with you.”

Lando looked a little shock but then smiled brightly. “I was planning to say it first,” he said before kissing his girlfriend.

“I love you Ella, always have and always will.”


A/N: They finally said the L word.

This book will soon come to an end and I am thinking of starting another one, not sure which driver will be the love interest. If you guys have any preference then let me know.

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