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“What are you looking at?” Lando joined Daniella who is sitting on the bed with a bunch of old photo albums.

“Dad was cleaning the attic and found some old albums,” Daniella replied without looking up. “He thought I might want to keep some of it so he dropped it off.”

Lando sat behind Daniella and pulled her back so now her back is pressed against his chest. He watched over her shoulder as she flipped through the old photos.

“Is that you?” Lando pointed at a photo.

“Mmhm,” Daniella smiled as she looked at it. She was only three in that photo, her hair was a mess and she was happily playing with a toy car.

Lando chuckled as he took the photo from her hand to have a closer look. “You look so cute here…we should frame it and hang it up in our new house.”

“Great idea,” Daniella’s face lit up. “I will call your mom and ask for some of your baby photos as well…then we can frame it together.”


“Lando babe…why did you put the salt on the top shelf?” Daniella yelled as she struggle to get the jar.

Lando came running to the kitchen. He has seen videos online where the boyfriends put some essentials on the top shelf and the girlfriends have to ask them for help, and he wanted to try it.

“I can get it for you,” he smugly said as he walk towards the shelf.

Daniella raised her eyebrows and moved aside.

“I think you will have to stand on the chair to get it.”

“Shut up!” he stretched up his arm. “I can get it.”

After a few seconds of struggle he only managed to push the jar back.

“Sure you don’t need to stand on the chair?” Daniella teased.

“No….yes,” he shyly admitted. “Just don’t tell anyone.”

Daniella let out a laugh as she pulled a chair from the counter and he climbed it to get the salt.

“You are too cute,” she kissed his blushing cheek. “And I am telling Max about it.”



“George wants to kill you,” Lando said as he finished watching the interview.

“What?” Daniella looked at him with confusion written on her face.

Lando handed her the tablet. “He did and online interview where some asked him the love, marry, kill question,” Lando explained. “Options were you, Charles and Lewis.”

Daniella watched the video. George didn't hesitate even for a second that he will kill her. Under normal circumstances she would have laughed about it but now he can clearly see the hatred he has for her.

“I guess it’s a good thing he didn’t say that he wants to marry you,” Lando joked.

“Why?” Daniella stopped the video and smiled at him. “You would have been jealous?”

“Damn right,” Lando kissed her. “Because I am going to marry you someday.”


A/N: Some Dani x Lando fluff.

Look at me, writing one story where Dani and Lando are happy in their relationship and starting another alternate story where one of them cheated.

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