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Daniella was tired and grumpy since she got off the plane, and Max is part of the reason.

“Why do I have to come to Monaco for this photoshoot?” She complained as the make up artist worked on her face. “You could have easily fly to London or….”

“I am a busy man Dani,” Max replied as he put on his jacket, almost ready to go infront of the camera.

“I am busy too, you know,” Daniella rolled her eyes.

“I have two cats now,” Max argued back.

“You are just lazy.”

“And you are not?”


After the photoshoot both Max and Daniella met up with Charles for dinner.

The Ferrari driver was very excited to hang out with his friends before they all fly to Italy the next day.

“You got to try the food here Dani,” Charles excitedly said as all three of them sat down. He booked a table at his favourite restaurant. “Its amazing.”

“I know, I have been here before,” she smiled. “But I am excited to eat here again.”

“Wait, you have been here before?” Charles sounded a bit disappointed. “When?”

“Few months ago…”

“With Lando, right?” Max cut in. “The night before qualifying for Monaco grand prix.”

Daniella nodded. She and Lando wanted to eat at this restaurant but later she was tired and didn’t want to come so he basically dragged her. Both ended up having a good time.

“Wow!” Charles sighed. “Pierre is not going to be happy about that,” he muttered which Max clearly heard, but decided to not ask about it now.

“Let’s order then,” Max changed the topic, making a mental note to ask his teammate later.


After the delicious dinner and Charles and Daniella ordering second serve of dessert Max decided to drop his teammate off at the hotel. They wanted to hang out a little bit longer but could not since they are all leaving for Italy the next morning.

“So what is going in with you and Pierre?” Max asked she soon as he started driving.

“What?” Daniella was caught off guard. “Nothing…why do you ask?”

Max rolled his eyes and looked at his teammate for a split second.

“Because of what Charles said back at the restaurant,” he replied.

Daniella’s eyes widened slightly.

“And I have seen how he keeps looking at you,” he continued. “Almost the same way Lando looks at you.”

“What? Almost? You don’t know what you are talking about,” she said in an unconvincing tone.

“Oh please,” Max rolled his eyes again. “That guy has been in love with you since forever.”

Daniella looked at him with a confused expression. Is he talking about Lando or Pierre?

“You are talking about Lando or Pierre?”

“Huh? Lando you idiot,” he stopped at the red light. “Anyone with eyes can see that…but it seems Pierre also likes you a lot.”

Daniella gulped nervously. Debating whether to act dumb or tell Max the truth.

“But a piece of advice Dani,” he looked at her. “Try avoiding dating any drivers, it won’t end well for anyone.”

“I don’t even like any drivers,” she let iut a nervous laugh.

“I am not blind Dani.”


Daniella excitedly accept the facetime call as she jumped in her bed, getting ready to sleep.

Lando’s face appeared on the screen. He was slightly pouting and hugging her pillow. Daniella can’t help but fell more in love with him.

“I miss you,” he said, sounding a little sad.

“We will see eachother tomorrow again Lan,” she touched the phone screen with her index finger, longing to touch and kiss him.

“But tonight I have to sleep alone,” he pouted. “How was the photoshoot?”

“It was good, but exhausting,” she replied. “I wanted to run away at one point.”

Lando chuckled.

“Did you pack everything for Monza?”

“Yeah,” Lando flipped the camera and showed her the packed suitcase at the opposite side of the room. “And I packed extra tshirts because I know you are going to steal them,” he flipped back the camera.

“Hey! Stealing your clothes are my rights as your girlfriend.”

The couple about half an hour talking about their day before Daniella started to doze off and decided to end the call.

“I will see you tomorrow in Monza,” she yawned. “I love you.”

“Love you too El.”


A/N: Do you think Max knows about Dani and Lando?

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