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⚠️T W : rape ⚠️

[ xaiver's perspective ]

i went off to take a shower, since olivia started to do her homework, during my shower my mind drifted,

i helped livy take off her clothes before pulling down her pants, "bubba! i cwan dwo it!" she says, "can you?" i asked teasing her, "yes!" she goes as she steps out of her pull up diaper, "and you want to shower with me" i asked smiling, "uh huh!" She goes, and so i turned the shower on, she stood in front of me, "here let's switch spots" i said wanting her to have the most water, i turned towards her so i was able to keep watch of her, "let's apply body wash" i begin to say, grabbing the lavender + coconut fusion, "i clean myself!" she says determined, "of course, you are a big girl now" i say proud of her, "oh you missed a spot" i say pointing to her left armpit.

i heard the door to the bathroom open, without knocking even, i peeked my head out and saw it was none other than my baby sister , "i need help on my homework" she says, i chuckled, "you couldn't wait ask me after my shower" i say as i turn the shower off and reach to grab my towel, "no, because im frustrated, I hate math." she stares blankly, "okay, just wait for me" i say drying my hair, "okay"she says turning on her heel and leaving the bathroom, didn't even close the door.

"how troublesome." i say, but i really wanted to use the homework as a way to bond more with her.

It was touching to hear that she wanted my help,
I finished getting ready and made my way down to the living room, she was sitting at a table with her homework and pencils everywhere.

"what grade are you in?" I ask, she's 14, so 9th?

"I'll be going into 9th" she says, "so you are an eighth grader." i say, "yes" she retorts, "and you want my help." I continued, "o.m.g. can't you just help me and stop asking questions." she asks clearly annoyed.

"you could've just asked." I say teasing her, "I did when you were showering" she rolls her eyes, of course, she isn't the same little angel that i knew, she's different.


a few weeks passed,

"do you remember when you would take showers with me?" i say as I watch to see her reaction, "excuse me, I did what." olivia says in denial, "you make it sound like it's a bad thing" i say, "well because i don't remember that" she says.

"you were little." i said taking my sweatshirt off,
"i want to shower with you" she says , "excuse me, what." I said surprised, "just kidding, I don't share hot water" she says, "you scared me."

"why? what's scary with me showering with you" she asks, "because you're not so little anymore." i said nonchalantly, "and what's the difference now" she continues, "you would be more aware of certain things" i continue, "and that is...?" she asks, okay is my sister pulling my legs or something.

"leave it" I say before getting up from the table, I found out that, Alex, is a year older than me.

"olivia does it bother you that your adoptive father is only a year older than me" i said

"no why?"

"because I could be your father." i said

"excuse me huh"

"im joking. but think about it."

"you're 26, if you were to be my actual dad you would've had me at 12 years old. I'm sure you didn't even hit puberty then." she goes on stating facts.

"you're very smart." i say, "or perhaps you just don't remember your age." i continue.

"what are you trying to get at." she says

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