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[i don't like this chapter]

*Zayn's POV*

I looked at one of my favorite couple. Harry and Louis were sitting on the bench diagnol from mine but a couple yards away. Louis was being ignored by Harry trying to do his work. Louis start to hit him and Harry stopped his work and turned around to grab Louis' hands smiling at him. Louis rolled his eyes and Harry leaned in and kissed him. Harry's hands let go of Louis' and Louis cupped Harry's face. I smiled and got up to leave. Who knows what kind of 'creeps' I would be if they caught me watching them kiss. I walked back into the school. My free period being mostly over. I walked around the halls looking in through some of the junior classes. I passed by one sophomore class and Niall looked up at the door and he waved.

God he still remembers my face. I gave a slight wave and turned to continued my walk. Why doesn't he just forget he met me. This slightly irritates me and it bothers me.

I waited by my next class and when the bell rang kids ran out the class. God the class was so hot after that. I definitely didn't want to take off my sweater or beanie so I was legit sweating to absolute death. I prayed I didn't pass out.

I didn't learn anything. What a boring class Math is. He piled us up with hella homework though. But it's okay break is here. I'm actually very anxious for this. I've been waiting on spring break since winter break. Sigh. I packed up my stuff and made it to my next class. Today was going by slower than I wanted it too. But it's only 4th period. I have Lunch, and two more periods to go. I don't think I could take this.

I sighed walking into the now empty class. My pupils piled in as I sat in the back. 10 minutes into the class Niall walked in with a letter to the teacher. Once we gave it to him he smiled and told him to sit wherever he liked. I put my head down and waited. I heard a chair pull up besides me.

I picked up my head and looked straight forward.

"Hey." He whispered.

I pretended not to hear him and he nudged me and I looked over. "Hey." He said and I nodded.

"Um what's your name again?" He asked me.

"You don't remember." I said.

"Nope." He said and I turned and looked towards the front.

He leaned over and looked at my paper. "Zayn." He said and I legit rolled my eyes.

"Why are you so quiet Zayn?" He asked me.

"I think we've had this talk before." I said and he looked confused.

"Oh wait yeah I remember. Is that's a tattoo?" He asked looking at my hand and I pulled my sweater over it.

"You don't seem like the tattoo type. But hey look no need to worry I have one too." He said and turned his arm around to show a barcode.

Gosh why is he talking to me. He's really irritating too.

"It's like hot as fuck in here. Why do you have on a sweater." He said and I laid my head against my desk.

Nonstop questions. It's like I've went to hell

"And why do you have on a beanie?" He asked.

"Would you be quiet curious George. Before you get me and you in trouble." I said.

"Whoa you finally spoke. I like your voice." He said and I turned away from him.

Okay now I kinda liked the compliment.

"Anyways why don't you talk and stuff. I barely see you around?" He asked.

"I'm very well hidden." I said lowly.

WallFlowerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon