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*Zayn's POV*

I woke up to someone laying on my chest snoring lightly. Thats not something I get to say everyday and I'm not to much bothered about it.

I looked down at Niall. God this boy was so cute. I wont lie I think he's gorgeous and I probably already expressed that-not to him-but goodness this boy. I won't say I like him but he's cool. This Niall is cool. Not the one at school, the one who has sex in the school bathrooms, or the one getting a bj in the middle of class while we're watching a movie.

He stirred tightening his grip on me. For someone who has never cuddled he's good at it. It was 5 and I was wide awoke. Unfortunately I'm dirty and in need of a shower. I didn't stink or anything but still. I wiggled my way out of his tight grip and climbed over him. I walked towards my bathroom and closed the door.

I stripped off my clothes and turned on the water climbing in shortly after. I grabbed the soap rubbing it on the towel roughly before starting to drag the towel dow my chest. I sung to past the time.

I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Words in my head

Knives in my heart

You build me up

And I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human

I put my towel down rinsing off my body and getting my hair wet. I washed my hair continuing to sing. When i got out i wrapped the towel around my waist walking into my room.

Niall was sitting on my bed and just stared at me as i walked into the room. I should've grabbed my clothes. I walked up to my drawer grabbing some underwear, shorts, and a tee.

"You have a nice voice." He said and i turned around looking ay him.

"Uhh thanks." I said.

"Oh do you need me to step out to put on your clothes or..." He said.

"Well do you want to see me naked?" I teased and be blushed.

"No." He said and stood.

"Good because I didn't really want you to." I said and he laughed leaving out.

I put on my clothes and let Niall back in.

"Why are you always covering up your hair with beanies?" He asked me.

"I like beanies." I answered.

"You should let me blow dry and style your hair." He said.

"No, I like it flat and covered with a beanie." I said.

"C'mon move away from your comfort zone." He said smiling cross legged on my bed.

"Don't make me look ridiculous." I said.

"How?" He said and it was my turn to blush.

He blushed too. "Where is the blow dryer?" He asked.

"In the bathroom, you'll see it when you go in." I said.

He got up and walked out. Did he just say that.

When he came back he had the blow dryer, comb, brush, and some styling stuff I had no idea was in there.

He plugged it in sitting on my bed. "Sit on the floor." He said and I did.

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