03: Away

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"Y/n wake up! Mom and dad's fighting"

You woke up to see Izana peeking at the door.

"I can't believe you've kept this from us all these years!"

"Shut up, Y/n and Izana might hear you!"

"They should know the truth! Leave her or I'll tell them about this!"

You stood up and peeked at the door below Izana. You gasped when you saw Itaru slapped Marie causing her to fall on the ground.

You were about to run to them when Izana stopped you and closed the door.

"Hindi dapat tayo nagiinterfere when adults are fighting Y/n" (We shouldn't interfere when adults are fighting Y/n)

"Pero mapapatay niya si mama!" (But he's gonna kill mom!) You tried to open the door but he's standing infront of it.

"What are you doing?! Hindi kaba nagaalala?!" (Aren't you worried?!") You shouted trying to push him away to open the door but he won't budge.

You looked at his eyes and it was full of sadness and worry but he's keeping a straight face. He didn't want you to get caught up with their fight if ever you interfered with them. He's worried about his mom but he's worried about you too.

It's been 3 years since they took you in. Marie and Itaru has been the great parents you could ever have.

You had the best years of your life living with them not to mention your brother who's always taking good care of you even at school. He'll come to your room at lunch to eat with you everyday even if he get scolded by a teacher sometimes. He'll also beat up the guys who tries to bully you or sometimes just glare at them and they'll know what not to do. Your new family has been the best.

But this year, Itaru went on a vacation to his homeland, Japan. Marie decided to follow him to surprise him but ended up finding out about Itaru's legal wife. Ever since that day when they came home from Japan, they've done nothing but to quarrel.

You and Izana have been hearing them but decided not to do something about it because it's an adult's fight.

"Enough! I'm taking them to her! Let's break up"

"No, they're my children!"

"I swear to God Marie if you keep pestering me I don't know what I'll do to you!"

A silence occured, Izana opened the door to peek again when he saw Marie sitting on the couch crying and Itaru was nowhere to be found.

Izana held your hand and silently walks to Marie.

"Mom, you okay?" Izana's voice startled the crying Marie as she quickly wipes her tears and flashed a smile to the two of you.

"Why are you still awake?" She asked while letting you sit beside her.

You hugged her tight

"I can't sleep" you mumble

She giggled and run her hands through your hair.

"Let's go to your room, I'll sleep with you"

You three went to your room and layed down with Marie in between you.

She sang you a lullaby until you both fall asleep.

When she noticed you both are already asleep, she kissed both of your foreheads before sleeping as well.

"Don't wake her up" you heard some mumbles as you felt yourself getting lifted up and getting layed down on the backseat of a car.

You opened your eyes to see what's going on when you saw Izana sitting beside you with a confused expression on his face.

"Where are we going?" You asked while sitting up eyeing the people you're with.

You saw a guy with black piercing eyes and black hair beside Itaru with a cigarette on his hand. He looks at you from the rare view mirror and smiled.

"Sup, pumpkin"

"We're going on a vacation" Itaru bluntly answered as he starts the car driving away.

"Where's mom?" You asked looking for her

"She couldn't come, she's sick"

"Izana?" You looked at Izana who's been silent the whole time

"Yeah, she's sick... she told us to enjoy though" he forced a smile out and held your hand to calm you up because he could see that you're scared.

"What a cute relationship" The man with black eyes mumble before blowing out the smoke from his cigarette.

You stayed there watching the view as the car drives you to your destination. You furrowed your eyebrows when you arrived at the airport.

"We're going overseas?!" You exclaimed excitingly since it's the first time you're going out of the country.

"Yeah you excited?" Izana smiled as he pick up both of your bags.

He held his hand out for you to hold again and walks beside the black haired guy holding the rest of your things.

"Who are you Mr?" You asked looking up at him

"You can call me Shinichiro"

"How do you know dad?" You curiously asked since he doesn't look like Itaru's friends who comes over the house.

"Hmm, just a friend of his"

You nod since he could be one of Itaru's friend from his homeland.

You boarded the plane going to Japan. You're sitting beside Izana as always with Shinichiro on the other side.

You looked at what Shinichiro is doing when you saw him looking at a picture on his phone. It's a picture of him with one little girl and a little guy with the same black eyes as his. You curiously asked "Who are they?"

He smiled and showed you the picture pointing at the guy "This one's Mikey, and this is Emma...our siblings" you looked at him and tilted your head. "Our?" He nodded and pointed at himself "I'm your brother"

"Huh? But-" you stopped talking when you felt Izana's head fell on your shoulder snoring a little.

'Didn't he know I was adopted? What does he mean by siblings? What's going on? Isn't Marie and Itaru Izana's parents?'

"Don't think too much about it... you look like a confused cupcake" he chuckled before closing his eyes to rest.

"No, please explain it to me.. I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I get the explanation" you shook him a bit waking him up. He sighed before talking

"My father... had an affair with your real mother... your real mother is Karen Kurokawa.. Emma is your sister.. Me and Mikey are your half-brothers... We're taking you back to your real family." He lied

'Why is he spitting these lies...He'll know I'm adopted if he's telling the truth right? Or someone else told him this information?'

"Just like what I said earlier... don't think about it too much. You're looking like a confused cupcake again"

"Who's this Karen Kurokawa?" You mumbled but he just stayed silent.

'Those are lies...are we getting kidnapped right now? Did Itaru just sold us to this Shinichiro guy?'

MY BROtHER IZANA | Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now