11: Haitani Brothers

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"Haitani brothers? I think I've heard it before, but where?" You mumbled

You walked back to where Mikey left you to see that he's still not back yet. It's getting late and you're supposed to go home now. You tried calling him but he's not picking up. You walked around looking for him seeing that there's more people now.

You started getting nervous being alone in the streets and you can't even ride home because you're lost.

'If you ever get lost, tell them to bring you to the Haitani brothers'

You remembered Ran's words. You had no choice but to try it since they don't look like bad guys and they're the only one's who can help you get home right now.

You walked to a guard of some bar and asked him

"Uhm, sir can you help me get to the Haitani brothers?" He stared at you up and down before nodding and whisper something to the other guard.

"Follow me" he spoke before walking away. You followed along until he stops at a 35 story building.

"Just go to the 35th floor and you'll see them there." You nod before bowing at him and getting inside the elevator.

You pressed the 35th button and waited for you to go up.

The door opened and a smell of a burning rice welcomed you.

"Rindou it's burned!"

"It's not my fault that you left it there!"

You watch them run around the kitchen counter with mess everywhere. You cleared your throat that caught their attention.

Ran walks up to you smiling while Rindou just stared at you from afar.

"Why are you here princess? Lost already?" Ran teased

"Actually, yeah..." Ran chuckled before walking back to the counter.

"We're quite busy right now.. can you wait a little bit?" He asked while fixing the mess at the table.

"Yeah, I can help if you want" you walk up to them and glanced at the soup they're making

You grabbed a spoon and tasted it. You added a few seasonings before getting satisfied. You put the spoon infront of Rindou's mouth for him to taste. He was shocked at first but he tasted it.

"Is it good?" You asked, he nods looking away while blushing.

"Me too~" Ran whined you laughed before feeding him as well.

"Emma?! Is Y/n here?" Mikey bursted in the door worried as he look around not seeing Y/n anywhere.

"Aren't you two together?! Don't tell me you lost her!"

"I went to the bathroom, when I came back she was gone. I tried finding her but I couldn't.. I thought she already went home since it's already late"

"Mikey! Shinichiro's gonna be so mad"

"Why am I gonna be mad?"


You're walking to the parking lot when you saw a teddy bear shop. You're thinking to buy a teddy for Emma. You already texted Mikey that you're on your way home but he's not replying.

"Do you want a teddy bear? Let's get one!" Ran pulled you inside the store followed by Rindou on your other side.

You walked around the store choosing some when he pulled a cute bear and played with it. He payed for it and carried it for you.

As you walk out of the store, some guys whistled at you

"Boss, can we borrow your toy after?" The guy shouted

Rindou suddenly grabbed your hand pulling you beside him making you grab Ran's arm on the other side to avoid falling. 

"Sorry, Off-limits." Ran and Rindou glared at the guy making him sweatdrop.

"I told you to stay at home Mikey" Shinichiro scolded

"I'm sorry, I thought I'd take her out to avoid stress and being bored in the house since she hasn't been out even to go to school" Mikey explained

"Because it's dangerous for her to go out"

"Look. Let's just go find her ok?" Izana stopped walking back and forth putting his coat back on.

"Mikey, Y/n sent you a message" Emma called out scrolling through Mikey's phone.

"It says she's coming home, don't worry about her"

The brothers sighed in relief

"Y/n, get on" Ran opened the back seat door for you as you went inside.

"You own a car? Woah"

"Boss gave it to us" he chuckled starting the car.

You told them to drop you off somewhere near your house. You're playing with the teddy bear they bought you on the way home.

"We're here" you looked at the clock, it's already 1am. You look out seeing the familiar streets on your place. You smiled and about to get out when Rindou cleared his throat.

You looked at them before realizing "Oh payment? How much?" You asked while taking your wallet out of your bag

Ran laughed before pushing your wallet back smiling teasingly at Rindou

"He means, can I have your number?" You glanced at Rindou who's looking somewhere else with his cellphone on his hand infront of you.

"O-oh yeah, sure..." you mumbled taking his phone and saving your number in it. You smiled before handing it back to him and getting out of the car.

You bowed before waving "Thanks for the ride"

You opened the door welcomed by your Mikey and Izana tackling you into a hug

"What the-" you stumbled back luckily Izana held you up to keep you from falling.

"I'm so sorry Y/n!!!" Mikey cried hugging you

"You guys, give her some space. She just got home" Emma pushed Mikey slightly away from you


She stared at you before hugging you like Mikey did "We were so worried!!" She cried

You giggled caressing her hair. "It's okay, I'm fine.."

"I told you guys to stay at home... next time I hope you follow" Shinichiro walks up to you before flicking your forehead.

"Oww" you rub the part where he flicked.

"Glad you're back safe" Izana hugged you from behind making Shinichiro smile

"I met some friends on the way... they drove me home" you explained

"Who?" Izana asked with his face on your shoulder

"The Haitani Brothers"

MY BROtHER IZANA | Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now