27: Hero

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I'm losing my mind rn hrhakxjfjsjhcjfjahxhx

Are yall still alive?!

"What do you mean she's in Sano's house right now?!" Choji spat landing his palms on the table

Kisaki looked at him boredly and says "Shinichiro's helping her regain her memories"

"But you like her right? Why would you want her to regain memories? She'll remember Izana if this keeps up. Let's just take Y/n away from him then I'll handle the rest of his family" Choji pleaded

"Izana is Y/n's boyfriend. Can't you just accept it Choji? Y/n will eventually remember things.. she'll remember him even if we take her away from him"

"But Izana Suzuki killed my parents! We can't let him get away with it!"

"ITARU SUZUKI killed your parents. Izana is out of that murder. Why did you even told Y/n about the Suzuki Organization being passed down to him. It was long gone after Izana's parents died."

"You already killed his parents Choji... just let Izana be happy with Y/n again" Hanma spoke leaning on the frame of the door

Choji wanted to avenge his parents. But since they already killed Itaru and Marie, he wanted to make their son feel all the pain as well. He planned to kill everyone dear to Izana except you, because you're Kiyoshi's daughter.

"Why are you so obsessed in making Izana's life miserable? Are you perhaps.... THAT guy?" Kisaki asked talking about the guy who hates Izana more than Kiyoshi does

"I-I can't accept this- I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS!!" He didn't answer the question and stormed out of the room after grabbing his gun

"We need to stop him from doing anything stupid"

They followed him trying to stop Choji from going somewhere but they ended up being infront of the Sano household in the middle of the rain

They saw everything, how you two treated each other and how you made up right after you remember him

They saw Choji coming out of his hiding spot pointing the gun at Izana thatmade Kisaki run to Choji


"Choji sto-"


You screamed when a gunshot was heard

You immediately turned around meeting Izana's back. He's frozen in place looking pale.

"Y/n?! What happened?" Shinichiro, Emma, Mikey, Wakasa and Takeomi ran outside after hearing your scream.

They all stood in shock seeing the bloody guy infront of them

"T-this cant be....." you walk slowly to Izana staring at Choji who seems to be stunned with what he just did

"Choji... how could you..." you kept walking forward as he points the gun to you

"Don't come near!!" He shouted with a shaky voice

"Why would you do such a thing?!" You cried falling down on your knees right infront of your childhood bestfriend who's now laying down on the cold floor bathing on his own blood from the shot

MY BROtHER IZANA | Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now