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Jisoo's POV

Today I'm at the hospital,just done with my morning operation.I asked Rosé's manager to pick Ella up from school since I have things to do.

"You guys do the check up,I need to leave."I told my staffs.

"Yes Miss Kim."I left the hospital and went to the police station.I'm very curious on what happened to my case back then.Its been seven years,but as like Rosé told me,the culprit isn't caught yet.I arrive there,and headed at the counter.

"Uhm what do you need ma'am how may I help you?"The police asked.

"I'm here because I have a accident seven years ago,and the suspect isn't found yet."I said.

"What?Seven years?We can't do anything about that.The case comes invalid after being filed when five years had passed and the suspect isn't found yet.So it's dismissed."The police explained.


"If you want to file anew case,make sure that you have enough evidences and proofs because probably that will be a tough battle."He said.

"This is non sense."I said,walking to my car.I probably go head in a private investigator,to hire one.I need to know who the culprit is.The one who ruined my life.I went to a building,where I can get a private investigator.Now I was waiting at the couch,as I was waiting for the investigator.Soon the gut arrived,seating in front of me.

"Hi.You must be Kim Jisoo."He said.I nodded.

"Yes I am."

"I'm Kim Namjoon,a investigator.So what is the problem?"He asked.

"I had an accident,seven years ago.Car crash,then I had an amnesia for seven years already.I want to know who the culprit is.I want you to collect evidences,so I can file a case against who the culprit is."I explained.He nodded.

"Give me the information and you'll get all the evidences you want."


After explaining everything,I went back at the hospital to sign things.After that,I headed back at the house,they're both there already.

"Hi daddy."Ella greeted me,she was seating at the couch and she seems different.I walked to her,then kissed her forehead.

"Hi baby.Wheres your mom?"

"At the kitchen,cooking."

"I'll just get change."I went upstairs,changing my clothes to comfy one and went back downstairs.Ella was still there,so I decided to go at the kitchen to see my girlfriend.Shes so busy and focused that she didn't even saw that I walked in,so I went and back hugged her.I'm a little smaller to her,but that was never a problem.I kissed her neck.

"Hi Chaeng."

"Hey.You shocked me."She said and chuckled.

"Seems you're very busy,huh?"

"Yeah,just getting the dinner done.And Jisoo can you talk to Ella?She looks sad,I think something happened."

"Okay,okay I'll go talk to her."I said,giving her a peck in her cheeks before walking back at the living room.I sat next to my daughter."Ella."I called her.She looked at me.

"Yes daddy?"

"Why do you look sad?"I asked as I pulled her in my lap.

"Daddy, Jinho's nose bleed while we're in school.Then Aunt Ji Eun came,they went to the hospital.My friend isn't feeling well,daddy.Thats why I'm sad."She explained.I nodded.

"I'll call your Aunt Ji Eun later to check on Jinho.Will that be okay?"I said.Ella smiled and nodded.

"Yes please!"Rosé soon came in.

"Jisoo,Ella,time to eat dinner.Its ready."



Before sleeping,I decided to call Ji Eun,for Ihave her number since Ella invited Jinho for play time.I called her.

"Hello?Ji Eun?"I said as soon as the call was answered.


"Oh hey's Jinho?Ella told me what happened,so I'm asking here about him."I said.

"I-Its about his heart condition.Can you come over?I need to tell you something important."She said.My forehead creased.What will she tell me?

"Yeah sure.Just send me the address,I'll come over."

"Okay.Thank you."


I drove Ella and Rosé to their destinations,then decided to go to the hospital.The coincidence is,Jinho is admitted at the hospital I'm working in.I went to his ICU room,maybe his case is such severe for him to be admitted here.I saw Ji Eun's figure standing next to the ICU window where you can see the patient inside,I walked to her.I saw Jinho,he had oxygen across his nose,and he's unconscious.

"Hey,Ji Eun."I called her.She suddenly hugged me,and I don't know how to respond.

"I'm glad you're here."She said.

"Of course,Jinho have been close to me.What happened to him?"I asked.

"His heart condition's getting worse,it's necessary for him to be admitted until we found a donor."I nodded.

"I'll help."

"Jisoo,there's something you need to know."Oh yeah,I almost forgot that.

"What is it?"I asked curiously.

"Jinho..Jinho is your son."

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