Chapter 19

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***A/N Trigger Warning there are mentions of a vandalism 

The day of the last show was almost here and YN was looking forward to the tour being over. She felt exhausted all the time and the traveling was getting harder. When she had landed with Kai they went straight to the hotel where she promptly fell asleep. JK had woken her a while later with a gentle kiss and something to eat. Jimin had come in shortly after with dessert for all of them and soon the other members had come by to join. They had stayed up a bit later than usual talking about their plans for when the tour was over. All of them were excited to go home and to take a break from all of the hard work that they had put into the tour. YN had fallen asleep in the middle of the conversation while cuddled close to JK.

"Man, if you didn't know her better you would think she was pregnant" Tae joked as he looked over to see she was passed out.

Six heads whipped to look at Tae and Jin yelled out "Yah, Tae! That's not funny, why would you even make a joke like that!?" YN snorted at the sound but didn't wake, she merely shifted in JK's arms still sound asleep.

"Jin, lower your voice man, don't wake her up. Tae, why would you joke about that?" Namjoon inquired. He was curious about what the other members had noticed about YN's behavior recently.

"Come on Joon, I showed her a picture of Yeontan last week and she started to cry. And I don't know if any of you have noticed but she's been nauseous a lot, plus she's sleeping all the time. I mean I know her well enough that I know she's just exhausted because she's not used to the lifestyle but come on, it's kind of funny. I mean, could you picture JK being a dad right now?"

Most of the members laughed except Jimin and Yoongi. They looked at each other with concern looks. They were both closer to YN, Jimin being her best friend and Yoongi was the solid rock she could escape to when she got overwhelmed. She would usually find him sleeping somewhere and come lay down next to him for cuddles while everyone was still working, and falling asleep. Jimin sent Yoongi a text saying that they needed to talk asap.

Namjoon then asked, "JK have you noticed anything off?"

JK shook his head "No, she's been under a lot of pressure at work. She's been trying to meet her hours so that she can make the traveling schedule work. So she works almost forty hours in three and a half days. I know she also mentioned onboarding a new kid that has a long history of aggression. I've seen the bruises, she has to help her staff and intervene in those situations. Her job isn't easy by any means."

"That makes sense, see Tae, she's just overworked," Jin said. He was terrified for a moment when Tae made the joke. As much as he loved YN, she and JK haven't been together for very long. He knew they loved each other, but having a child with someone was a whole new ball game. Especially with them still doing tours and not being able to openly date. If they had a child, it was going to be next to impossible to hide.

"Ok, jeez I'm sorry. I won't joke about it anymore." Tae responded.

"Yoongi, wanna come with me to grab a drink from the café?" Jimin asked.

"Sure." They stood up, waved at the others, and left the room.

"She's pregnant. I'm almost sure of it. I don't know why everyone is in denial, but I know my YN-ah. I know what she's going through at work but she wouldn't be like this if it was only work-related. She's not the overly emotional type Yoongi."

"Jimin I know, plus I thought I was the only one who wanted to sleep all the time. I've been her designated nap person for the past two weeks. I wake up and she's curled up next to me, poor kitten. I mean I know she's tired from the long hours but I think you may be right." He replied. "The best thing we can do is keep an eye on her. I'm going to talk to Kai before the show to keep a closer eye on her and tell him our suspicions. That way if something happens he'll know that that is a possibility.

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