Chapter 27

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Feeling better after a goodnight's rest, YN finally felt like she was able to face some of the ugly truths that were staring her in the face. She had to admit to herself that being pregnant certainly made her more emotional and more easily stressed. However, it was time to put on her big girl pants and talk to JK a bit more about their future. As blissful as it has been to stay here with the guys, she knew that their lives weren't here, but instead 6,000 miles away in another country. Thinking that nothing would need to change was a fantasy that she clung to for the past several weeks just to get through everything that had been going on. But the harsh reality was staring her in the face, she's pregnant with a Korean superstar's baby. Yes, Jungkook loves her and yes, they have figured out what to do for this short term, but they haven't spoken about an actual future. Suddenly, YN was flooded with doubts about Jungkook's love and her own worth. Mark's voice made an unwanted appearance in her head.

When the door to their shared bedroom opened she looked up to see Jungkook standing there.

"Hey princess," he said as he walked into the room. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. "I've got to go run some errands for a bit, I'll be back soon ok." He lifted her chin to meet her gaze when he looked into her eyes he knew something was off. Her eyebrows were lowered and her nose slightly scrunched. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's fine. Umm what errands are you running?" she questioned still not meeting his eyes directly.

"Jin Hyung wants me to run to the store to pick up groceries. He said it was my turn to get everything." Jungkook stated while rolling his eyes "Do you want to come with me?"

YN's eyes brightened a bit at the question and she quietly nodded. "Yeah, I've been having some cravings. Let me get dressed real quick and I'll meet you outside." Standing up she grabbed her favorite sweats off and smartwatch off the dresser, making her way to the bathroom to change.

JK went downstairs yelling out to the guys that he and YN were leaving for the store and went out to start the car. When YN got in they made their way to the closest import store to pick up the ingredients for dinner that night. Walking down the isles hand in hand, YN would occasionally pull something off the shelf and place it in the cart. JK shook his head at some of the things that she was putting in, some were things he knew for a fact she didn't like and others were things that he didn't know she had even tried before.

"Ok, I have to ask, some of those things you don't even like baby. Why are you getting those?" He asked.

"I don't know, they just sound good I guess? I've been having weird cravings lately, things that I used to love, I can't stand, and things that I thought were gross before I'm suddenly wanting. It's kind of ridiculous, to be honest." She shakes her head as she looks into the cart. "I think the only thing left that I really want is mochi".

"Awww you want even more sweets?" JK asked putting his arms around her and letting his hands drift to her belly.

"Hey! Stop that JK."

"What, why, I'm just teasing you. All you crave is sugar. We can hardly keep the house stocked with Snickers bars." He laughs as he continues to hold her.

"Stop judging me I can't help that I'm craving sugar all the time." She says as she moves out of her embrace and rolls her eyes. "I'm going to go get it. You go get something else and take your judgment of my sugar intake with you." She states moving away from him and walking towards the aisle with the mochi and other sweets.

She picks up the first package of mochi she sees, noting it's a flavor that she hasn't tried before. Thinking it might be good, she grabs several other packages of her favorite flavors. When she goes to turn around she feels something jabbed into her side. Freezing, the packages she had in her hand fell to the floor when she feels the hot breath of someone on her neck. The voice following made her heart drop.

"I told you I was going to make you pay for what you did." Mark whispered, "It paid off watching you because now, I can take you right from under his nose."

She goes to speak but Mark jabs the gun in his hand further into her side. "Don't make a sound. You're going to walk right out those back doors to the car I have waiting. One move or one scream and I'll make sure that I aim for your stomach and that brat of yours will die."

YN's palms began to sweat and her body tensed in fear. If only she could buy herself some time for JK to come back down the aisle. But she knew that if he did come back this could only get worse. The conflict roared within herself, either she tried to run now and risk getting shot, buy herself time and potentially getting JK hurt, or just going with him and hoping that she could find some way to escape. It only took a few seconds to make her choice.

"Ok, I'll go," she whispered. "Just don't hurt me."

"That's what I thought, you were always too much of a coward." Mark snidely remarked as he pressed the weapon harder into her side forcing her to walk. They were walking towards the back of the store when YN glanced towards the isles. She spotted JK walking towards the mochi isle, she pretended to have a coughing fit hoping he would lookup.

It was her luckiest unlucky day because thank God that man looked at every sound. His eyes glanced around and landed on her. As soon as she saw his eyes she quickly shook her head. She was lucky that Mark was distracted looking around everywhere but her to get her through the back doors discreetly. She nodded her head towards Mark and JK's eyes lit up with fury. Hoping he could read her lips she mouthed "get help" as Mark continued to push her towards the door. With a sharp nod, JK left the basket and immediately ran for the front door of the store.

YN and Mark reached the back of the building, and he roughly shoved her into the passenger seat. "Give me your phone, now," he said. Complying with his instructions to keep him calm she pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it over. When she did so Mark threw it out the window and began to drive away. She was thankful that she had worn a long sweatshirt today for comfort because he hadn't seen her smartwatch on her arm. She just wished that she could make the call out to someone discreetly but knew in her current position Mark would notice.

"You and I are going to have a bit of fun YN. You're going to be mine again and I'm going to make sure you forget all about your little fling with that man." Mark said as he reached his hand down and placed it on her thigh. It took everything in her not to vomit or rage at the man beside her. His touch made her physically ill. She had to keep quiet and stay strong. She had to give JK enough time to get help, he knows who took her, he saw her leave. Now she just has to trust that he gets to her before too much damage is done. Taking a deep breath and willing her tears away, she leaned her head against the window and started praying.

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