Part 18

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"What happened today? Shane told me his version. I want to hear yours."

"You... You're not just going to take Shane's word..?"

"Well, I want to know what happened from your perspective."

I told him everything that happened. Daryl and I went to look for Sophia, came back to Glenn in a well, we got Glenn out, almost got the walker out, contaminated the water, everything Shane said. All of it.

When I finished, RIck was just nodded in silence. Thinking probably.

"I probably don't have to tell you Shane wants me to get you out of the group." He said after a moment.


"I think it's a good thing he's not in charge."


"You didn't do anything wrong. You told him that plan was stupid, I agree it was. He yelled at you for not contributing to the group, you saved my life, gave Sophia the chance to run away, made Daryl at least act like he doesn't hate us as much as he does. And I know you are probably the main reason Hershel is letting us stay here. I wouldn't call that nothing. And yes I am well aware you've punched him in the face multiple times... I'm not saying that was a good call. But I'm not saying it wasn't."

"So... You're not kicking me out..?"

"No. You're a good member of this group. Plus Daryl would probably kill me."

I laughed, "Yeah... What are you going to tell Shane? He won't be thrilled to hear I'm staying."

"I don't know. I'll figure something out."

"All right." I subconsciously started tapping my foot.

"Y/n... You remind me of someone." Rick said after a few minutes.

"What do you mean?"

"My parents had a little girl, I didn't get to meet her until I was 6... I think she was three... she lived with us for two years you just, act like her. Your mannerisms. She ended up going somewhere else. I wasn't sure where... They didn't tell me she was my sister until a few years after."

"Oh my god."

"What what's wrong?" Rick asked immediately concerned.

"I don't suppose when the little girl was ten, you saw her again, at Grant Park in Atlanta," I asked chuckling.

"And I bought her a..."

"A doughnut. You bought me a doughnut."

He was full-on laughing now. And I was too. This was unbelievable. I mean, I found Daryl in the end. And my brother.... this is ridiculous.

"You're my brother..Holy shit."


"We should go back. It's getting dark..." I said after we stopped laughing so hard.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

I heard him mutter some kind of sibling joke under his breath and I started laughing again. He joined me not too long after. We made it back to camp still laughing. We earned a few looks from our group but that just made it funnier.

Rick and I went our separate ways and I went to Daryl. He was sitting leaned against the RV away from everyone else.

"What's got you so giggly..?" He asked with a small smile. I laced my hand in his when I sat down.

"You remember how I told you a long time ago I stayed with this family, I only vaguely remember?"

"Yeah... Why?"

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now