The Cave

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~Y/n's POV~

Me, Manny, Diego and Sid walked silently throught the cave, all the walls were made of ice.
"Come on guys, stick together, it's easy to get lost in here!" informed Diego, who was right. I looked behind me to see that Sid had disappeared.
"Hey guys, Sid's gone." I told the others.
"Yeah well it's Sid, he'll come around." of course Manny didn't care, I internally groaned.
"Will you keep up please?" Sid was back and Manny was right, again. Ugh I hate when he's right.
"Hard enough to keep track of one baby." at this I snickered, earning a smirk from Manny.
We watched as the baby then slid down the Ice we were gathered around. We all screamed and ran to the top of the slide seeing the baby go down. I wasted no time in jumping on straight after him, while everyone yelled my name.

(Again I am doing the video thing.)

Once the slode ride was over, I had the baby on my back while standing beside the pile of snow the boys had landed in. Manny and Sid had come out from the snow, but Diego wasn't there.
"Woah! Wooh! Yeah!" Diego punched Manny's arm.
"Who's up for round!" I chuckled at Diego's childish side showing itself. He noticed everyone looking at him funny.
"Uh, t-tell the kid to be more careful." Diego said almost ashamed of how he acted.
Sid then took the baby back to hold as we walked through the cave. The cave slowly turned from icy to stoney. As we continued walking it started to feel more like my old cave before my mother grabbed me and ran to abandon me. I looked down at the ground vividly remembering that day, a tear slowly went down my cheek. Manny noticed and wiped my tear.
"Hey, don't do that. Come on, none of that is going to happen here. I promise you Y/n." I know that when Manny makes a promise he means it and will never break it, so I smiled uo at Manny in sadness and in thanks.
We continued on until drawings started to appear on the walls, it was all fascinating to me. The different animals and stories that were and held among these cave walls was outstanding.
"Look, look. Tigers!" Sid said as he walked over to some saber drawings. The baby then began whimpering because if it.
"No. It's ok. It's ok. Look the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope..." Me and Diego shared a look and smirk and walked over to beside Sid who was trying to sooth the baby.
"With their teeth..." Sid finished.
"Come on Sid.." Diego whispered in one ear.
"Let's play tag.. You're it." I whispered in another. And then both me and Diego turned to walk away as Sid chuckled nervously replying with a sure.
"Okay, okay. Where are the sloths? You know, you never see any sloths on these things. Oh, Manny look a mammoth."
"Ooh, somebody pinch me."
"Hey, hey. This fat ons looks just like you! Aww. And he's got a family. And he's happy." Me and Diego made our way over to Sid and the baby.
"Look he's playing with his kid. See Manny that's your problem. That's what mammoths are supposed to do." Manny came over to us and stood beside Diego, this is really touchy for Manny, and Sid going on about it doesn't help.
"Sid." Diego said warning the inconsiderate sloth.
"Find a she-mammoth, have little baby mammoths, and, and," Sid continued.
"Sid." I said more sternly this time making Sid look up at Manny making a silent "Oh" sound.
We watched as Manny looked at the painting as if it was moving and replaying his memory. Is like we all saw it.
The baby mammoth was jumping around and playing until he was back with his father, they hugged ecah other untik the baby mammoth spotted it's mother and ran over to her for a hug. The father followed after and they shared a family hug. Until the worst happened, humans showed up in front of the baby mammoth as it wad running around and he got scared so ran behind his father, hugging his mother. The father stood in front of his family ready to protect, he ended up fighting a lot of them off, telling his family to run to safety. They tried but ended up getting cornered by humans, the male mammoth looked over to see them be squashed by a boulder... His family was gone and he couldn't save them.
My eyes were watery without me even realising, we watched as Manny brought his trunk along the painting of his son until his trunk touched the babies hand. The baby and Manny now shared and understanding with each other, and they hugged.
"Come on let's get out of here." Manny said to us with a sad but happy smile. They all started to walk out when one painting stood out to me. The painting was of female saber, that had fur just like mine but it was younger. More close to a newly born cub. I may not remember much from before I was abandoned but I remember fragments. I looked at the painting and saw another cub with the other, this cub was older than the minnie me but was more grey coated with brown/ginger accents. They were playing with each other, but somehow when I looked at this picture I felt like this was me and someone I hold very close. Then a flashback happened...

~Y/n's flashback~

"Come on Y/n there is no need to be afraid, it can't hurt you, I promise." my sister Clara yelled from the front of the cave we stayed in. I slowly made my way towards her and outside, beside my sister was my mother she was an all grey saber with different shades of grey throughout. As I sat beside my mum she licked my cheek, making me giggle and smile up at her and she smiled down at me. My sister than ran out onto the snow, I was afraid of the snow and they were trying to get me to learn to love it so gently my mum gave me a nudge from behind encouraging me to try. I looked back at my sister and saw her jump around and have fun, without me... I wanted to play with Clara. So I brought up all the courage I had and leaped onto the snow while my eyes were closed. I opened them to see I was fine, I ran over to Clara and played with her, until I heard me and my sister get called from the cave. We went back and were told to stay put, Clara watching me.
J had fallen asleep behind the rock making it hard for me to be seen unless you knew it was my spot. Suddenly, I was awoken by mother grabbing me by the scruff with tears in her eyes, as soon as she had me she started running out and from the cave but as we went out I saw mt siste still in there but she was red? And she wasn't waking up! My mother was running as fast as she could as I looked to see our pack chasing me and my mother. My mum stopped by an ice wall and decided to dig a big enough hole to fit me in. Once my mother put me in and covered me enough, she looked at me with a tear stained face, while I looked at her scared and confused. She licked my cheek before covering her tracks and running with our pack on her tail... She never came back after that... I was alone.
~End of flashback~
I opened my eyes at the painting. I was shocked, angry and upset. All this time I thought I was abandoned cause I was not wanted but I was abandoned so that my mother could protect me. I looked down at my paws. I had a sister who was killed, my mother was probably murdered as well, and by our own pack! This is why I never wanted a pack, I thought. Then I thought about how Manny had found me and decided to save me and care for me as a sister.
"Y/n!" I looked to my left to see Diego stood beside with a worried look on his face.
"Y/n are you ok? Can you hear me?" I couldn't talk right I was too emotional so I just nodded. He sighed with relief but was still cautious and worried, he slowly came closer to me realising I was breaking down. He sat beside me, close enough for warmth but far enough for space.
"Y/n... What happened.?" Diego asked me really cautiously and I looked at him for a moment, I took a deep breath in and back out before explaining everything to him, I felt I could trust him. Manny and Sid had realised that we were still in the cave and came in as I was telling Diego. I started to breathe heavily and tear up but Diego came close to me and slowly and gently nuzzled into me to hug me and give me comfort. It was nice.
"You're just a softie really aren't you?" I whispered to Diego with a smirk.
"Don't start now." he said in a playful warning tone but we both smiled. We stopped hugging and went to walk out noticing Manny and Sid were stood there for the whole thing. I looked at Manny and he just pulled me in for hug and gave a smile, we may not have said anything but wd didn't need to. The hug was all we needed ti say I love you sister and brother.

After that emotional roller coaster we all left the cave with a new found respect for each of us, even Sid.

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