4 ~ A familiar face

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Alex's POV ~

She was the only thing on my mind.

She was ALWAYS the only thing on my mind.

I had finally gotten her back after 2 years and then she's gone, but something deep down told me otherwise.

I look over at Noah who's sitting next to me and I offer him a small smile, which he doesn't return. I look around at the Cortello-Moratti living room, trying to distract myself from Bella.

Once I had 'come back from the dead', Noah was the first person I went to after Bella died. I had explained the situation to him and he broke down after hearing Bella was dead. She was our little sister.

We had called Sadie the following day to break the news to her. She too broke down and booked the first flight to LA so she could be with us.

Her parents were needed here for some mafia business anyways, so they moved early for Sadie to be here with us.

Obviously we didn't know Sadie's family was in the mafia, but turns out her family have been in the Italian mafia for generations. Sadie has known for years but couldn't tell us for obvious reasons.

After Bella died, we told Noah about the mafia, to which he decided to join to, in his words "take revenge for those who hurt his little sister".

I look to my right and see Sadie staring at the wall, well more like glaring. Poor wall. I looked down at her hands that were placed in her lap and saw her picking her at her nails subconsciously.

I reach for her hand and place it in mine, stroking her palm softly, trying to give her some sort of comfort but I could tell it wasn't working.

Bella and Sadie are both like little sisters to me and Noah, we would do anything to protect them.

"I still can't believe she's gone.", Sadie says, barely above a whisper, "I miss her so much.", she adds, trying to hold back her tears from falling and notice her lip trembling slightly.

I look at her sadly before going to speak, but before I could say anything, I'm cut off by Noah.

"Let's go to a cafe.", he blurts out suddenly, catching mine and Sadie's attention.

"Excuse me?", both me and Sadie say, turning our heads to Noah.

"Let's go to a cafe.", Noah repeats.

"We heard what you said dumbass. Why do you want to go to a cafe?", I ask.

"I have a gut feeling somethings about to happen.", Noah whispers, but I'd not think I was meant to hear as he speaks up again, this time more loudly, "I don't know, Bells wouldn't want us to be zombies for the rest of our lives, she'd want us to continue normally as much as possible. As much as I hate to say it, she'd want us to move on so we might as well try. Let's do something together."

Me and Sadie share skeptical looks before Sadie sighs and nods her head.

"Okay you're right, she wouldn't want us wasting our lives being sad and miserable. I'll grab some cash.", Sadie sighs, before standing up and walking out of the living room and going into the kitchen.

Sadie came back into the living room and we made our way into Noah's car and began driving to the nearest cafe.



Out of everywhere we could've gone, he chooses Starbucks.

"Wow real original. You couldn't have picked anywhere else?", Sadie groans whilst walking into the place.

"It was the nearest place.", Noah replies rolling his eyes, "Plus, I love my pumpkin spice lattes.", I just about heat Noah mutter.

"Idiot.", Sadie says as she slaps him around the head.

I just stay silent as I follow them inside, but as I step inside, my eyes land on a familiar pair of eyes.

It felt like everything around me stopped and all I could focus on was this one pair of eyes staring back at mine, just as shocked as I am.

A gasp escapes my lips as I stare into the eyes of the one person I thought I'd never see again, of the one person I thought was gone forever.

Noah and Sadie turn their heads to me as three words slip from my mouth along with a stream of tears.

"La mia farfalla."
(My butterfly)

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