9 ~ Burger disaster

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Isabella's POV ~

Once I finish explains what happened that day, I look up, immediately locking eyes with a guilty Luca.

"I deserved to know.", I say solemnly, giving him a cold look.

"I know.", Luca says sadly, keeping his gaze on the floor and playing with his fingers, "I should have told you, I know I should have, but I was scared of your reaction, scared that you'd hate me for not telling you."

"I could never hate you Luca.", I sigh.

"I'm sorry.", he says, looking up at me.

Seeing him so sincere brings a smile to my face and I lift myself up and walk over to him, embracing him in a big hug.

"Don't be. I know why you did it. You were scared I get that.", I whisper to him as he breaks into sobs.

It's hurt to see my brother so upset. I've never seen him so broken over something so small.

Actually come to think of it they all would've been ten times worse after my 'death'.

Ha. Oh well, that's their fault. This is wattpad, they should have know I wasn't dead. That's on them.

I just stoke his head softly as his sobs start to die down.

"You alright?", I ask, smiling softly at him.

"This is really embarrassing.", he mutters, wiping any left over tears in his eyes and looking up at the rest of our brothers and friends in the room.

"You forgot we were here didn't you.", Darien deadpans, causing me and Luca to laugh.

"Typical.", we hear someone mutter but we just ignore it.

"So what now?", Leo asks.

"I don't know.", I say truthfully, "But right now it doesn't matter, we're a family again, so how about we make some of those famous Cortello-Moratti burgers.", I suggest, smiling widely at the memory of our family's amazing burgers.

"Absofuckinglutely.", Adriano grins as he drags me out of the living room and into the kitchen which is littered with burgers and other junk foods.

"We weren't exactly in the right head space to cook when you 'died'.", he explains, causing my smile to drop.

He walks off to the fridge and I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright princeps.", the person behind me asked and I sighed in relief once I recognised that it was Nik.

"Yeah, it's just- I feel so bad you know.", I mutter, leaning into his chest which is pressed up against my back.

"I get it. But you did what you thought was best for them. You were protecting them.", Nik explains, but his words don't bring me any comfort.

"I may have been trying to protect them, but I also broke them.", I whisper, a tear slipping down my cheek.

Nik notices this and wipes it away, before lifting my chin up to meet his eyes.

"No. We're not having any of that. Stop those tears. You were protecting them and that's that. You do not have to feel guilty. You do not get to feel guilty. You did nothing wrong. So stop with this nonsense and spend time with your family.", Nik says sternly and I feel as though butterflies just erupted in my stomach but I push the feeling away.

Nik gives me a slight push towards where Adriano is standing and I send Nik a grateful smile before walking over to where my brother is standing.

"You ready to make the best burgers of your life?", Adriano smirks at me.

"Hell yeah."


"Well done you two.", Luca groans as we stare at the firefighters who are trying to control the fire in the kitchen. Let's just say me and Adriano aren't allowed to cook anything in the kitchen alone anymore. We didn't mean to set the oven on fire.

"We didn't mean toooooooo.", we both whine.

"Hey stop that!", we exclaim.

"Stop copying me!", we both shout again.

"Stop it!", we whine, this time going to hit each other.

"Enough!", we freeze as loud voice interrupts our bickering.

We turn around and the sight we are met with causes my jaw to nearly hit the floor.

"Now will someone explain to me how you two managed to set the kitchen on fire?", the voice asks.

"Uncle Marco!", I shout, running into his open arms.

"Mia piccola principessa non fare mai piu una cosa del genere, pensavamo che fossi morta. Siamo dovuti venire fin qui per controllare.", he whispers as he holds me close to him. (My little princess don't you ever do that again, we thought you were dead. We had to come all the way here to check.)

"We?", I question, pulling away from the hug slightly and giving him a confused look.

"You didn't really think we'd let Marco come alone now did you?", another voice says.

I jump out of Marco's arms and turn around, only to come face to face with 21 people, all with either teary eyes, or the biggest grins on their faces.

"Cagna morta.", I hear one voice chuckle. (You dead ass bitch)

Suddenly I am pulled into a massive hug as chuckles and laughs are heard all around us.

"Bentornata nella terra della principessa vivente."

(Welcome back to the land of the living princess.)

A/N ~ I was able to finish this chapter this morning as I'm feeling better. I may be able to get a chapter or few done this week as I have been feeling a lot better recently. I hope you like the chapter. Stay safe <3

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