12 ~ Brothers

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Elijah's POV ~

Everyday is the same around here. The same clothes, the same food, the same people, the same routine. Nothing ever changes. This has been my life for as long as I can remember.

I've been in the foster system since I was a baby.

Found cold and abandoned in the cold dark alleyways of London and  left there by my druggie parents the orphanage claim.

I don't believe them. Not in the slightest. Why would I? They  just want me to stop asking questions so of course they would tell me I was abandoned, that way I won't ask questions

Something inside of me is telling me that it's not true. My parents didn't abandon me. I wasn't let in an alleyway to die. They loved me and they cared for me. But that hope inside of me has slowly faded as the years went by.

I have always felt like a part of me was missing, a part of me that I didn't know about.

Maybe I have a family out there. Maybe I have siblings.

I have always dreamt of having a large family. Lots of siblings and two loving parents. Loads of cousins to hang out with and mess around with, but I know that's not true.

Even if I did have a family out there, they abandoned me. If they truly wanted me, if they truly loved me, they would have come to me. They would have saved me.

As the cold rain was pounding on my back, I walked up the steps to the doors of the dreary foster house.

When I reached the door, I was met by an unlocked door. They never left the door unlocked. They were fearful that someone would break in. They never said who though. Strange.

I slowly opened the door and peered my head inside.

It was quiet.

Too quiet for my liking.

Then there was a bang, followed by a shouting voice.

"WHERE IS HE? I WON'T ASK AGAIN. WHERE IS MY BROTHER?", the voice shouted and I carefully creeped over to the living room where the voice came from. I was cautious with where I was standing as these fucking floors never stop creaking. But luck didn't seem to be on my side today of course.

The floor creaked beneath me and all heads turned to me as I stood in the doorway of the living room.

My face flashed with fear momentarily, before I quickly masked it with an emotionless, blank and cold face. The men seemed taken aback by my harsh glare before they plastered a look of adoration on their faces.

Why are they looking at me like that?

Is there someone behind me?

I turned around quickly to check, but there was no one there and when I turned back around, I saw the four men, well more like 3 men and a boy, all chuckling at me.

"Let me guess I said that out loud didn't I.", I groan, throwing my head back in annoyance.

"Yes, yes you did.", the boy, who seemed maybe 2 or 3 years older than me, answered.

"You are just like her.", I heard another one of the men chuckle as he shook his head.

"Like who?", I question, wondering who he's referring to.

"Bella.", the man responded as I sent him a confused look.

Seeing my confused face, one of the men who hadn't spoken spoke up.

"You'll meet Bella later.", he answered.

"Anyways, you're probably confused right now so can you please come sit.", the man who seemed to be the oldest said.

As I cautiously moved towards the couch, I caught the glare that my foster parents were sending me, but they were quickly shut down as I saw the men glaring right back at them, as if daring them to continue.

I sat down next to the younger boy and looked at the four of them with a blank look.

"I want them out.", I say emotionlessly.

"What?", my foster mom said angrily.

I turn to face her as I send her a scowl.

"This is clearly none of your business so could you kindly fuck off,", I take a pause before continuing and give her a sarcastic smile, "please."

With a huff, she pulls her husband up and drags him out of the room, not before sending me one last glare. Jeez bitch, calm ya boots.

I turn my attention back to the 4 people in front of me, taking the time to fully look at them.

The one who seemed to be the youngest wore a large grin on his face, but something told me he doesn't usually show this much emotion to a stranger. He had the same eyes as me, a deep grey, and dark brown hair like mine. The next one had the same face shape as me and almost identical lips, he wore a small smile and adoration in his eyes. The man beside him also had the same grey eyes as mine, but I paid close attention to his nose, which seemed similar, if not identical to mine. Lastly, the seemingly oldest of them all, almost looked like a carbon copy of me, even down to the emotionless look he held on his face, except behind the cold facade, I could see the pure love he held in his eyes.

I let my cold mask slip as I put the pieces together in my head.

No they couldn't be.

They can't be.

The oldest leaned forward slightly on the couch.

"By the look on your face I'm guessing you already know what I'm about to say?", he questioned, but it came out more like a fact than a question.

"You're my brothers."

A/N ~ And Elijah has been foundddd. I wrote most of this in my computing lessons today and got no work done but like oh well. I wonder how Bella and Elijah will react when they meet each other.... I hope you like the chapter. Stay safe <3

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