Focus and Future

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         Water drips down Poppy's freckled cheeks as she splashes handfuls of sink water onto her puffy face. The crying and stress is really weighing on her, leaving purple bruises under her eyes. She rubs her face tiredly, using a paper towel to dry off.

Poppy looks back into the mirror and locks eyes with herself. With a sigh, Poppy applies a generous amount of concealer under her eyes. She yawns once before flopping onto her bed, letting out a sigh of comfort. The bed dips as Sybill sits on the corner. "What are you going to tell Sirius?"

Poppy lifts her head from her pillow to look at the brunette. "How did you know-"

Sybill smirks. "I did a card reading."

Poppy twists to sit up, rolling her eyes at her friend. "I don't know why you're so into that." Poppy pulls on a string of her blanket. "Everyone knows it's bullshit."

Sybill glares at the red head. "I know you're in a bad mood, but you don't have to take it out on me." She slides off the bed, grabbing the blanket from Poppy's arms.

Poppy sighs again. "I'm sorry."

The brunette casts a look at Poppy before setting the blanket down on her own bed and reaching for something underneath. "It's okay." Sybill murmurs as she pulls out a crystal ball.

It's quite pretty, with milky haze and shimmers when the light hits it just right. "Now's a good time to mention that I've never seen anything during Divination." Poppy tells the physic girl.

Sybill just smiles. "That's okay." The corner of her lips quirks mischievously. "I have."

Poppy grins back at her. "So, this will help my indecisiveness?" She asks.

The brunette nods. "Put your hands out, opposite of each other and hold the crystal still." She instructs. "Be sure to focus, it'll help me see further and more clearly."

Sybill places the crystal ball in the red head's hands. It's lighter than she thought and Poppy finds herself getting nervous. She never really believed in Divination, she never saw anything and the class just seemed useless. However, Sybill's pure confidence that this would work is startling.

"I'm going to place my hands over yours." Sybill informs her. "Just close your eyes and focus."

Poppy glances at Sybill. "Anything in particular I should focus on?"

The physic gives her a look. "You never pay attention during class. That's why you can't see anything."

Poppy rolls her eyes once before closing them. She feels Sybill lightly place her hands on top of hers. It only takes a second for the feeling to kick in. It starts off hazy, a little hard to latch on, but the only way to describe it, is that its energy. Poppy focus on it, pushing her thoughts and feelings on it. She tries to think about Sirius, but the energy seems to pull further. It takes her mind, rushing through thoughts and memories without permission. Now she thinks of her parents and sisters. She thinks about school, the loneliness, and her new friends. The crystal ball in her hands grows warm.

Sybill's voice rings over her own thoughts. "Focus, Poppy. Separate your thoughts, build a wall."

Poppy takes a deep breath before creating a wall in her mind. She has to build it brick by brick, but she finishes it. Leaving only the thoughts she allows can be read and the rest stay behind the wall. She pushes Sirius through and Sybill lets out a breath. After that, it's easy. Poppy just holds the crystal and doesn't let the energy pass her wall.

However, Sybill seems to disagree. Her breath shutters and cuts off and on. The crystal ball warms again, but hotter than before. The heat wasn't comforting in the slightest, it was almost too hot, right on the edge of burning. "Sybill?" Poppy asks, hesitantly keeping her eyes closed.

She doesn't answer, but her breathing is erratic and shifting. Poppy calls out again, but she doesn't answer. She tries to pull her hands away, but Sybill shouts. "DON'T MOVE!" Poppy jumps a bit, but keeps her hands on the crystal despite the burning and Sybill's scary breathing.

All of the sudden, the ball heats up painfully and Poppy is forced to let go of the ball, hissing in pain as she pulls her hands back. Sybill lets out a huge gasp and lets go of the crystal as well. The crystal ball goes crashing and despite landing on the fluffy comforter of the bed, the ball cracks in two.

Poppy only spares it half a glance, turning towards Sybill. "Are you okay?"

She's got a glass eyed look on her face, hands still out like she's got the crystal. "Why'd you let go?"

Poppy blinks. "It was burning."

Sybill looks down at her hands now, noticing the pink skin of her palms. Poppy does the same, grimacing at the pulsing and burning. Sybill sighs, letting her hands fall into her lap. "You're right. I should've let go sooner."

Poppy shakes her head. "It's okay."

Sybill gives a small smile. "Not really. Knowing the future can be addicting and I saw too much." Poppy goes to interrupt, but she beats her to it. "Actually, I need a favor."

Poppy nods. "Of course."

"Obliviate me." She doesn't hesitate.

The red head looks at the physic brunette like she's crazy. "Do what now?"

Sybill glances down at the crystal ball, touching a piece absentmindedly. "I need to forget what I saw."

"Why?" Poppy questions.

Sybill glares. "Will you do it or not?"

Poppy sighs and pulls out her wand...

A few moments later, Sybill is confused and upset that her crystal ball is broken and insists that Poppy owes her a new one.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter and taking such a long break. School's started and I'm stressed. It's an important year, so school's going to take priority. Sorry in advance since chapters will likely be short and have long resting periods.

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