Marauders and Murderous Urges

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        The Marauders are confused, but none more than Sirius Black. Who was the red headed girl in the closet? She heavily reminded him of Lily Evans, except not. They had the same red hair and green eyes, but the look in them is different. Even Remus joined the conversation.

"I talked to her."

"What?" Sirius jumps as Remus explains, still a bit confused.

"Yeah. James was messing with her since he thought she was Lily." Remus glances at his curious friend. He's never seen Sirius so interested.

"And?" He drags on, impatient.

"She said that she's her sister." Remus reveals as everyone looks even more confused than before. James lifts his head from the table he was resting on, not that tired anymore.

"What?" He asks. "Lily's sister is a Muggle. Petunia, I think." James tells all of them. Peter and Remus throw him a strange look for just knowing about Lily, which he ignores, but he's surprised Sirius didn't join in. Sirius furrows his eyebrows taking in all the information he can get.

"Is she in our year? In our house?" He asks, hoping for more details.

Remus shakes his head. "I have no idea." Peter munches on a piece of bacon.

"Why are you so interested?" James turns on his friend. "Are you into her?" He wiggles his eyebrows with an obvious suggestion.

Sirius feels a strange urge to blush, but holds it back. "No! I- I-" The marauders stare at him. They never saw him stutter.

"You do!" James laughs, patting his friend on the back. Sirius shakes his head fast.

"No! She just- She ruined my good snogging." He says convincingly. Sirius feels a small tug on his heart, but pushes it away by taking a sip of his coffee.

The Marauders roll their eyes at him. "Of course it's that." Remus mutters.

"Don't act like you aren't curious either." Sirius throws back at them all.

"We should ask Lily." Peter suggests absentmindedly, reaching for the toast.

"No." James says.

"No?" They all ask.

"No." He repeats. "Lily's sick. She caught the flu so she's in the Hospital Wing." Peter and Remus throw him another strange look.

"You just know where Evans is at all time, don't you?" Remus chuckles.

"Are you sure it isn't a hangover from last night?" Sirius questions, but stops when James throws him a glare.

"Why don't we just ask her? Herself." Remus suggests, rolling his eyes at at his dumb friends faces.

"Brilliant Idea Moony!" James and Sirius say in sync. Peter smiles at Remus and offers him bacon.

"Where is she anyways?" Sirius glances around the Great Hall. "She can't be hard to miss. Her hair's bright red."

"Maybe she isn't here?" Peter offers softly, but still tries to find her.

"Breakfast is almost over anyway. She's probably Just in class." Remus suggests, taking one last bite of eggs before standing.

"We'll check the map later." James whispers to them.

"We don't know her name, dumbass." Sirius whispers back.

"We know her last name's Evan, so we know her name." James explains. "And you're the dumbass for not noticing."


         Sirius fidgets in his seat next to James, unable to get the girl's red hair out of his mind. Professor McGonagall, or Minnie, as Sirius and James call her, drones on about mushrooms and dinner plates. He scans everyone in each of his classes. He checks Gryffindor and every other house he can see in each of his classes, just trying to catch a glimpse of her red hair.

The lesson goes on for a while until something rolls and bumps his foot. It's a thin long cylinder that comes to a pint at the end. He picks it up to find it's plastic. He's never seen anything like it. He searches for a face to return the pen to, but nobody even glances at him, other than Minnie, who looks annoyed at him for not paying attention.

At the end of the lesson Sirius turns to his friends. He holds up the plastic cylinder. James and Sirius stare at it confused "What Is this?"

"It's a pen." Peter and Remus say together. Sirius furrows his eyebrows and James does the same.

"A what?" They ask in unison.

"It's my pen." A voice chimes behind them. Sirius spins around to find the red-headed girl from the closet. She seems more shy now, timid almost, but her voice sounds casual.

"You!" Sirius gasps, his jaw dropping. She was in the classroom. How did he miss her?

She holds out her hand. "Pen?" Nobody moves. "No?"

Sirius recovers slowly, but surely. "I'll give you your pen, in exchange for your name." He thinks it over again. "And your house."

She looks at him confused, which only makes her look cuter. "But it's my pen." She argues.

"Not anymore." He smirks, shaking the pen around. She huffs.

"My name is Evans and my house is in England." She sticks her hand out again. "Pen please."

"Not quite what I meant." Sirius tilts his head with fake sadness. She clenches her jaw.

"Just give me the goddamn pen." She pushes back a lock of red hair in anger. She's never lost her temper. She never loses her temper and yet this boy can make her break her boundaries she's set.

"That wasn't nice." Sirius murmurs, smiling at the frustrated girl. Her eyes glare at him murderously. She's scary, but it only pulls him in further. He twirls the pen between his fingers.

"Give me. My pen." She orders as her cheeks redden with anger.

"Nope!" He pops. "I rather like the pen." She looks at him exasperated.

"Do you even know what a pen is?" She crosses her arm before tilting her head. "Or is your brain too small to comprehend it." Poppy has no idea what the hell is going on, but she seems to be winning. She really doesn't even care about the pen anymore. Does anger accompany confidence? "Perhaps I should let you keep it?"

"Oh you break my heart, Evans." He feigns pain by putting a hand on his chest. She throws him a fake smile.

"If you don't give me my pen I'll be breaking worse things." Poppy lunges for the pen, but Black lifts his arm way above her head. She's on the shorter side, but she's not that short. He's just tall. She rolls her eyes. "You asked for it."

Poppy kicks her leg out, hitting him square in "where the sun doesn't shine." He bends over groaning. She snatches the pen right out of his hand as his friends watch him getting defeated by a 5 ft 3, red-headed girl.

"Thanks for the pen, dickbag."


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