Indigo and Ideas

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        Hogsmeade is an amazing place. It has everything you could need, from candy and pranks to dresses. However, Poppy's parents never sign her slip, but it's not a problem. She's rather good at faking a signature. Poppy walks down the streets, glancing at students whose faces are red from the cold. It reminds her of Sirius' scarf, from where he snuck up on her at night. She still knows the exact spot she placed the scarf, at the bottom of her trunk, covered by her art supplies.

The smell of hot chocolate and butterbeer drift down the street as she looks around the shops. Every store is decorated and the owners are cheery. Poppy loves the happiness that floats in the air. She practically skips, but stops when her fingers get colder from the rushed air. She pulls the sleeves down over them and blows into them to get warmth back. The snow from the sky lands on everyone, making Poppy wish she had a camera. She looks up, sticking out her tongue to catch one. She probably looks like an idiot, but everyone's doing it at some point.

Right as a snowflake lands in her mouth, she's pushed over. Poppy falls back, landing in a large pile of snow, which makes her back very cold. She gasps at the sudden movement. The girl who bumped into her helps her up immediately, spewing apologizes and lifts Poppy back to her feet.

"Are you okay? Not too cold I hope." The girl is a Ravenclaw, with light brown skin and dark curls. She is quite bubbly, still holding a friendly smile on her face. Poppy glances at her a bit.

"Do I know you?"

The girl tilts her head to the side. "I don't know."

Poppy gazes at her longer, until it pops in her head. "I do know you. You attacked me at the Halloween party."

The girl's eyes widen and she gasps "I hit you!?"

"No, you and your friends started touching my hair."

The girl squints, trying to remember. "I went to the party alone." She suddenly shrugs. "I was drunk, I probably made friends, but I don't remember a single one of them."

"Um, ok." Poppy murmurs, looking at her funny.

"Want to go dress shopping with me?" She asks with a grin, already hooking arms with Poppy. "I was thinking about wearing a light blue one, but then I remember that one time at my aunts wedding that her bridesmaid was wearing one that was too thin and the wind blew-"


         Lady Adelaide is a shop in Hogsmeade that carries many dresses and robes. It's known to be very soft and fitting, but it is also known to be expensive at times. Poppy was just planning on borrowing someone's old dress, but the moment Poppy mentioned it, she was quieted by the bubbly girl.

"Can you imagine me in orange? Be honest." She asks before fake gagging. "One time my mother bought an orange jumpsuit. I don't know what look she was going for, but if it was a prison inmate, she nailed it."

Poppy can't help but wonder how many stories the girl has in her head. She seems to do enough talking, so Poppy doesn't have too, but it's hard to even get a name out of her. The girl rakes a hand through a row of dresses, feeling the fabric.

"My cousin's husband has a friend who designs dresses. He's an absolute icon and lives in France now." She pauses, glancing at Poppy. "I've never met him." Poppy giggles a bit, her family's crazy.

"Oh, hey! I never caught your name. I'm Indigo Bloomsbury, but everyone calls me Indi."

"I'm Evans."

Indi blinks. "What's your first name? I'm not about calling people by their last name."

"Poppy." There's something so genuine about Indi. She seems to be an amazing and fun person. Indi's a person everyone wants in their life. The best friend you never knew you needed, but once you have her, you don't let go.

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