Chapter 8

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It had been a day since Loki locked himself in the cell with the wolf Thor was now keeping watch he was worried about his brother as he kept glancing at him he noticed that Loki started to look tired Thor sighed

"Give this up Loki" Thor said Loki stayed silent

Loki sat there in his cell leaning against the wall he was not listening to his brother he felt tired and he knew that the spell was draining him but he couldn't let them take her.

Meanwhile Akela lied there on the bed not sure what was happening she was hungry but she had been hungry plenty of times but she thought they where different.

She watched the man they named Loki sit there  the whole day he was the only person she thought she could trust.

The next day

Loki felt his magic nearly drained he felt like he was going to pass out any minute but he knew he couldn't let that happened but he didn't think he could go on any longer.

Akela watched Loki's head drop to the side she was worried about him so she stood up and jumped of the bed and slowly approached him she sniffed his hand nudging it and realised he had passed out he laid there next to him putting her head on his legs she felt the need to protect him.

Meanwhile with the avengers

Tony woke up at his desk he remembered switching with Thor but he needed to check one of his downloads he realised he must have fell asleep instead of going back.

"Shit" he cursed

Tony checked the cell camera to see Loki passed out and the wolf hop off the bed and started to approach him Tony was interested in what she would do so he watched as she sniffed and nudged his hand what shocked him most was that she laid next to him and put her head on his legs.

He sighed he knew it was time and nothing would stop fury from doing this so he picked up his phone and called fury and the others.

He quickly ran to the cells so no one would suspect that he wasn't there he stepped in and saw they where in the same position as before.

He waited until each avenger walked in they all looked into the cell and saw the same scene as Tony did.

"Loki's going to hate us even more when he wakes up to realise what we've done" Tony said

"I'm sure he'll get over it" Clint said

"I don't think he will my brother has never acted this way before I'm worried of what he would do when he wakes up" Thor said

Fury and several agents walked in with the slip nooses and approached the cell.

"Open it" fury demanded one of the agents opened the door.

Akela heard the door open so she looked up to see men trying to approach her she growled at them.

"Thor get your brother and take him to the med-bay and get him checked" a man said

"Oh and Make sure he's restrained" he added

Then a big blond guy came through the cell akela growled and stood over Loki baring her teeth at him she did fear him because he was so much bigger than her but she didn't want to show it.

Thor stopped and bent down so he wasn't so big he Watch the wolf stand over his brother who was still passed out then she did something none of them expected she went over to Loki's face and started licking him most likely trying to wake him up when he realised he wasn't going to wake so she whined.

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now