Chapter 13

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Akela's PoV

My head hurt It felt like I was lying on something hard and cold I slowly blinked my eyes open and quickly realised I was in a cell I sat up and shook my fur and felt a collar attached to my neck again with a chain pinned into the wall.

I tried to pull at the chain to attempt to snap it but it was no use so I gave up and laid down resting my head on my paws.

my thoughts went back to Loki seeing him motionless on the ground made me angry and i just hope that he will be okay.

No PoV

Back at the compound Bruce finished operating on Loki and was making his way from the med bay to inform the others on Loki's condition.

"How's my brother" Thor said when he saw Bruce walk out of the room

"The good news is that I have managed to remove the bullet and patch him up but" he stopped

"But the bad news is that the bullet hit his liver which caused a large amount of blood loss causing him to go into cardiac arrest on the operating table after a while I managed to restart his heart but due to the lack of oxygen to the brain he went into a coma" Bruce explained

"What is a coma" Thor questioned but he looked to the others and saw there expression on there faces and it didn't look good

"A coma is a deep state of prolonged unconsciousness its when a person can not be awakened it can last for a couple of days to a couple of weeks or even years and maybe not at all however there may be a way to wake him up" Bruce further explained

"How" Thor said hopeful that something can help his brother

"We remove the dampners so he can get his full abilities back and his body can heal itself and hopefully bring him out of the coma" Bruce said

"Stark remove them" Thor demanded

"Are you crazy if you remove them he could vanish as soon as he has healed" clint said

"Clints right  who knows what he could do when they are removed" Steve said

"Sorry Thor but I agree with steve and clint" Nat said

"Sorry Thor but we can't" Tony said

"Banner I'd like to see my brother now" Thor said devastated

"Of course go on through I'll be there shortly" Bruce said patty thors back

After Thor left to see his brother Bruce turned to the others he was disappointed in his team mates.

"I'm disappointed in you lot after everything thors done for the team you couldn't do this one thing for him and help his brother" Bruce said

"You may not like Loki but we're suppose to be heroes no matter who needs help and I'm going to do everything I can to help a Loki" Bruce said looking slightly green

"Bruce" Steve said

"Don't if you want to do something find the damn wolf because if Loki manages to survive this you'll have him to deal with" Bruce said and left


Thor's PoV

I left the others and walked into the Medbay to see my brother lying there on the bed with wires stuck to him as I stepped closer i saw how pale he was his hair was a mess I slowly sat down on a chair next to the bed and took loki's hand in mine.

I scooted closer and tucked a stand of hair behind his ear I silently Laughed because he knew if Loki was awake, he would never let Me be that close. Loki would probably growl or hiss at me to leave or perhaps swat my hand away.

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now