Chapter 17

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Daryl was laying on his stomach sweaty and feeling sick the slightest movement would cause him pain so he tried to stay still his door remained locked someone would come by twice a day to bring him food and left.

His dad didnt even bother come by to check on him he thought fathers where meant to be there for there child especially if they where in pain.

He whined when the pain spiked in his back he couldn't get to the bathroom to grab a pain killer so he did his best to sleep hoping everything would be fine the next day.

(Back with the avengers)

"We're a mile out guys" Clint announced as he flew the jet

"Okay everyone gear up we don't know if they have look outs so we need to be ready for anything" Steve said they all started to grab the weapons

"You ready brother" Thor asked Loki who was looking out the window

"I just hope we haven't got here too late" Loki said staring out the window as they flew over a forest 

"Prepare for landing" clint said

The avengers steadied themselves as the jet shook before landing safely they all stood up and held there weapons.

"Let's do this remember be on watch and be careful" Steve said 

The avengers exited the jet and paired of searching the area for any lookouts that may be hanging around once they searched the area they met back at the jet.

"All clear" Nat said they all nodded 

"So where is the entrance" clint said 

"It should be around here somewhere" Tony said 

They all started looking around until Thor tripped on something falling face first on the ground and the hammer went flying Loki stood behind him trying not to burst out laughing at his brothers clumsiness.

"Are you okay" Loki asked 

"I'm fine brother" Thor stood up and patted his self down he then went and picked up his hammer

"What did you even trip on" Loki said and started sweeping the leaves with his feet until he hit something he stopped and looked at Thor 

 "What is it" Thor said loki swept away the dirt and found a handle and tugged on it but it wouldn't budge 

"Help me you fool" Loki said Thor took the handle and they pulled together until it lifted up and opened showing a stairs going down 

"This must be it" Loki said Thor saw Steve in the distance

"Captain" Thor shouted Steve turned to see Thor and jogged over to him 

"Guys Loki and Thor found the entrance" Steve said into the coma

"Where are you" Tony said to him 

"We about 5 metres north of the jet" Steve told them 

"Stay where you are we are on the way" Tony said 

After a couple of minutes the others arrived and saw the hatch open Tony stepped passed them and looked down the hatch and saw the stairs.

"Okay me and Steve will go down first and make sure it's clear" Tony said switching on the torch on his suit 

Tony and Steve quietly walked down the steps while the others waited outside until Tony said it was okay to come down they made it to the bottom off the stairs to see a long hallway they made sure it was clear before calling the others down 

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