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I pulled the small white skirt that was supposed to be covering my ass lower. I swear when Lily says slutty, she means slutty. My hair was in a ponytail, my curly bags falling on my forehead. I rolled my shoulders, trying to adjust the tight black tank that pushed my chest up higher and showed off my curves.

Sighing, I gave up and just leaned against the pillar outside the building where Lesedi was supposed to meet me. All I could think of was the look Vittore gave me when he saw what I was wearing. At first, he had just froze and his eyes run down my body in a way that made me want to squirm but then his brows creased in anger and he turned away and left.

That was the last I'd seen of him since the three hour drive here. Lily and Alexa had woken me up at 4 in the freaking morning to get here. I hadn't even slept for that long but I had enough energy to continue with the rest of my day.

I yawned, completely bored with all this waiting. I closed my eyes and tried to get some peace. Is been a while since I meditated honestly. Last I remember, I was at the top of the mall's roof, just before Vittore found me and the idiot chicken guy who probably saved me some bruising.

"I'm sorry Mr. Khumalo but Khloe is unavailable today. Her grandmother died and she went for her funeral last week but over here is Katie. She was brought in from one of the country clubs up north a few days ago and everyone says she's just a peach."

I stood up straighter and forced a polite smile on my face as Lesedi and the older man who I guessed run most of the course walked up to me. Lesedi wasn't actually that bad looking. High cheekbones and a slim figure, he did look like a ladies man.

"Hi Mr. Khumalo. I'm Katie Johnson," I chirped in an American accent. Lesedi's eyes wondered over my form and there was no mistaking the eagerness that slipped into his posture and unlike Vittore, his presence disgusted me to the core.

"All is good Micheal. I'll take Katie," he said patting the older man on the back. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"No problem Mr. Khumalo. Katie? Get a cart and be on your way," Micheal said, all too eager to get Lesedi going.

"Sure thing. If you'd just follow me Mr. Khumalo," I waved him over and turned, making my way to the cart they'd given me. Lesedi followed behind me and I gave an extra sway to my hips just incase.

I got in the golf cart with him not far behind and off we went.

"I had already packed everything you need Mr. Khumalo. If you have any issue, just tell me and I'll have it fixed as fast as I can," I said happily. I seriously had to keep this up for an hour?

"How old are you Katie?"

"I just turned 17 last week sir," I said parking at our first stop and sliding out of the cart, noticing how his eyes lingered on my thighs. Fucking pedophile.

I pulled out the bag with his clubs and we went to the starting point. I did whatever a caddy girl does which I had no clue on. I was just winging it but Lesedi didn't seem to tell so I just continued with it. Every time he'd get a hole in one, I'd cheer and hold his fore arm, squeezing tightly and letting go.

And boy did he notice.

The hour was getting done faster than I'd imagined and Lesedi was getting handsier by the minute. When he smacked my ass I had the sudden urge to screw the whole plan and kill him myself but I'd noticed another guy following from a distance, probably his guard. That gave me an idea.

"Uh... Mr. Khumalo sir?" I asked timidly, inching closer to him so our bodies touched. I needed a full body scrub after this.

"Yes Katie?" he whispered bringing his face closer to mine.

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