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The trip back to Vittore's building was quiet but peaceful. I guess we were both thinking about our last words to each other, what they really meant. The kiss we'd had was like a switch. It felt like a lot had changed when it really was nothing at all.

I was seeing that moment as a wall, holding back all our feeling, thoughts and worries. Once we'd faced it, it broke down like a stack fo cards and everything just came rushing out. The weird thing is, it felt natural.

Sitting as we were now in the board room, waiting for everyone else to arrive, I couldn't stop my leg from bouncing up and down. I was hunched forward, my elbows on the desk as we waited.

This was it, I thought. This was finally it.

Nerve wracking didn't even begin to describe what it was like to finally see your destination in your grasp. I knew there would be more missions after this, more threats and dangers but none this important. None this personal and none this close to home.

I said I'd kill my parens and I would but then what? It wouldn't change what happening to me sure but damn, it would feel good.

Vittore's hand landed on my thigh and he pulled me back so I rested my head on his shoulder. He then proceeded to wrap his hands around me and kiss the side of my head.

"Relax tesoro," he said softly. "I'm right here and always will be. Till the end. I may not have been able to protect my mother but I promise you tesoro, no harm will come to you as long as my heart still beats."

I nodded against Vittore, knowing how much he would try to keep his promise but nothing was guaranteed.

"And I promise to protect you too amore. Even if it costs me my life."

I valued my promises, I did. I promised myself I'd get revenge for what happened to me and I would.

"It won't come to that," Vittore said in my ear and I hugged him.

I sure hope it didn't.

The ding of the elevator down the hall is what separated us. Even then, Vittore placed a kiss to my lips and stood up, waiting for the arrival of the people he heads his mafia with.

I saw some familiar faces like Peyton and Carter. By the nod Peyton gave me, she had taken care of the Lily issue.

"Where's Alexa?" Vittore asked and I smiled at the same time Peyton snorted, only to hide it with a laugh.

"Oh I kicked her out of this," I said motioning to the people around, about twenty in total.

"You can't be 'kicked out of a mafia'," one man dared to say. I stared right at him and my gaze was cold.

"Oh I know that. Its either you're in or dead. She made her choice did she not?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

I knew "kicking" Alexa out of the mafia just made her a target for assassins and bounty hunters. I was rooting for it actually and the best part, Vittore seemed pleased.

"In our last meeting we discussed a problem that's been plaguing our mafia for months now. The Ravens. A new mafia, built on secrets and under the guard and functioning well over the past few years. Good news is, we now have a face and a name to it," Vittore explained. "Tomorrow at dusk we are setting out on a mission to eliminate the Don and disrupt the mafia."

"What about the next of kin?" Carter spoke up. "We managed to get information that the Don has a lawyer who made him a contract giving his mafia to his first born upon his death."

"Then we find the next of kin and eliminate them. Do you have a name?" Vittore asked.

"Actually no. Angel Claurisse his wife was pregnant but she's in the infirmary as we speak. Miscarriage."

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