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I struck first, going straight for Vittore's face. He dodged of course but he was right, he was fast. I sent more hits, Vittore going on defense. Adrenaline pumped in my body as I made sure my moves were fast and went for places with the most damage.

All I was doing was testing Vittore's defenses. Usually, my moves were calculated but I was being reckless at the moment, throwing as much as I could. I saw Vittore's stance shift and quickly ducked as he sent a foot right for my face. I stood up, my hair flying in my face and I regretted not tying it up earlier.

We separated. I shook my hands out, circling Vittore while he did the same, his eyes watching my movements. This time, I let him try to hit me instead. I blocked and dodged most of hits hits but he had more strength and each blocked it hurt a ton. I got a hit in first, managing to hit Vittore's wrist, pull him forward and jab my elbow in his ribs.

He let out a harsh breath and we separated again. I smirked at him and jogged in place.

"Getting a little sloppy there Martinelli," I mocked and he stood up straight, completely unaffected.

"I'm just getting started," he resorted and came for me once more.

People had gathered around us now, eagerly watching the fight. No one dared to say a word, just wincing and making 'oooo' noises when one of us got hit. Fists and kicks weren't going to work on Vittore. He was a skilled fighter, that much was obvious so it was time to change tactics.

I stopped trying to hit him and dodged every thing he sent at me. Vittore went for a punch and as his fist passed the side of my head, I grabbed his arm and twisted it, pulling it to his back, faster than you could say 'checkmate'. What I didn't expect was for Vittore to twist in my grasp, bend down and sweep a leg, hitting my knees, forcing me to lose balance and fall to the ground, rolling towards the crowd who moved back.

Vittore smirked at me when I glared up at him and I pulled myself to my feet. No more Miss nice Dalia. For the move I was sure I could take Vittore down with, he needed to be on the ground. Well, looks like I have much to do.

When Vittore and I went for each other again, it was mostly an exchange of blows. I hit him, he hit me. I kicked him, he kicked me. We were evenly matched and I hated it. Vittore sent a jab to my chest, causing me to cave forward and his knee came up, barely missing my nose and hitting my forehead.

I fell back, slightly dazed then I saw Vittore about to pin me down. I moved quicker than lightning, finally getting in in a position where he had to tap out.

A triangular choke.

His head rested between my legs, along with his left hand that was awkwardly sticking out. I hooked my ankles behind is neck and rested back on my elbows, tightening my hold. He was losing air and fast.

"You know, when I imagined being between these thick thighs of yours, this wasn't how it went down."

My hold slightly loosened at Vittore's words that were spoken so low, only we could hear them. I did want to push him back but I couldn't. It was a slight moment of hesitation but I still tightened my chokehold.

Vittore grunted, his face a light shade of red as he shifted and I realised what he was doing. Slowly and painfully, the bloody Italian got back on his feet with me still trying to choke the life out fo him. I was basically sitting on his shoulders until he adjusted his stance and fell forward, making me hit my back on the mat.

That was all it took for me to let go and cave into myself from the pain that run down my spine. My body shuddered in pain and I heard Vittore recover and stand on his two feet.

"Get up," he told me and I sighed, looking up to glare at him but I still painfully, pulled myself to my feet, rolling my shoulders to reduce the ache.

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