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"Michael, come say hello!" Mrs. Brackett said enthusiastically. She nudged the little blonde boy, who's painted clown mask sat tilted on his face. His eyes were stuck on a girl who's hair was black as midnight. Her eyes were diamonds staring back at him.

Deborah Myers sat beside this girl and watched her sins movements carefully. Setting her fork back on the table, the girl slowly slid off her chair to stand before Michael.

"Hello, my name is Logan." She said with a grin. She stuck her hand out eagerly, awaiting a new friend. However, Michael did not take it. Rather, he glanced towards his mother for help.

Deborah sighed. "He's a little shy, Logan dear. Don't mind him." She took a long sip from her glass. Logan did not pick up on the tension between her and the other boy. She nodded and started back to her seat.

"Come eat!" Mrs. Brackett said warmly. She made her way to her own seat, sitting beside her husband and elder daughter.

Annie, Logan's sister, was busy chatting with Michael's elder sister, Judith. About anything, really. A wide variety of things that Logan tended not to pay attention to.

The dining room was a wide space, Michael had noticed. The walls were a dull teal. Paintings hung from walls uncovered by windows. Long black curtains danced above the hardwood floor. A dark red carpet kept the table from shifting as everybody began to eat.

The meal tonight happened to be Logan's favorite. Any meal her mother cooked, however, was her favorite. Tonight's was pork chops and rice; something Logan particularly enjoyed.

Michael pushed the food around on his plate. He ate little outside his own house. Any sort of human interaction made him uncomfortable.

"Logan, you and Michael go to school together, dont you?" Deborah asked.

Logan nodded. "Yes, but my friends don't let me talk to him. They think he's scary." She said earnestly. "I sit next to him, though, so I try and make an effort every single day! Momma says it's good to make new friends."

Judith and Annie glanced at Logan, nearly choking on their food from laughing. Mr. Brackett flicked his daughters arm. "Be polite, Annie."

"And what about you, Michael? Have you made any new friends?" His mother asked. Michael had yet to glance up from his uneaten meal. He certainly wasnt paying attention.

Judith rolled her eyes while Annie muttered insults under her breath. Logan looked upon the insuing chaos with curiosity. She was surprised her sister was being so vile.

"Mind your manners, Judith." Deborah coughed, nudging her daughter with an elbow as she begun eating again. "Michael, have you made any new friends recently?" Deborah repeated. Now, she gained the attention of her son.

He moved slowly, raising his head with little urgency. "What?" His voice was much quieter than Logan had been expecting.

Logan straightened herself in her seat and began eating again. About halfway through the dinner, she heard her name called again. "Yes?" She said quickly.

"How did you meet Michael?" Deborah said kindly. "He's lucky to have a friend like you."

Logan thought for a moment, brushing hair from her eyes as she hummed. "We sit next to each other! Ever since then, I've been trying to help out as best I can!" She said, gleaming. It was a similar answer to the one she had given earlier, Mrs. Brackett noticed. There was something off here. "I wouldn't call us friends, though."

"Really! I never knew he was talkative."

"Oh, no Ma'am. He doesn't talk to me at all." Logan said. "But he's still fun to hang around, even if he doesn't do conversations. I can hold them all by myself."

Mrs. Brackett glanced between her daughter and the son of her friend. Deborah Myers, however, did not mind how she spoke of her son.


"Good morning Michael." It was the day after the dinner. Logan felt much closer to the boy than before and had begun putting extra effort into her relationship with him.

He did not move as she approached. Rather, he continued scribbling illegible words along the corners of his homework. Undone, mind you. "You didn't do the homework? It's super easy?"

Michael groaned under his breath. All he wanted was to be ignored.

When Logan didn't get a response, she sighed and began digging through her backpack. She found her homework and set it carefully on Michael's desk. "Copy it down before she sees." Logan whispered with a keen grin.

Michael rolled his eyes. He shoved her paper off his desk. Logan's attitude shifted downward, a frown now replacing her smile.

"Just trying to be nice..." She huffed, picking her paper off the floor and hopping over the bar of her desk. "Don't worry, you'll come around sooner or later."

If he heard her, he gave no hints to it.

The bell rang moments later. Logan sat stiff in her chair, occasionally sending the boy beside her glances. She was frustrated to say the least. Frustrated he would not cave.

Logan was a relatively popular girl. She made friends with a lot of people with no true intentions. Michael was the only kid she had yet to befriend.

And the first with true, clear intentions.


"Oh, good morning Wesley." Logan said with a warm smile. She was sitting beside Michael again, trying to explain the homework as best she could. The brunette had strode into the classroom, surprised to find her there.

He was a tall boy with chocolate brown hair and eyes to match. He usually wore flannels and a pair of jeans, although today he wore a simple tee and slacks.

Wesley narrowed his eyes. "Good morning, Logan." He said slyly. "Whaddya doin with... Him?" Wesley gestured to Michael, who's attention was still on Logan.

Michael did not like Logan, but he certainly preferred her over Wesley. The upperclassman was an asshole to him for a reason he knew not. Maybe it was his social standing as an outcast, or because of pressure to be the top dog. Either way, Michael wanted nothing more to wipe the smirk off his face.

"Why not?" Logan said. She noticed Michael's reaction to Wesley's presence. He tensed up, actually. Logan was too kind for her own good, but she was far from stupid. "He's my friend."

This made Wesley snort. Michael had a friend? He understood, however, considering it was Logan. He was surprised when they had first met, too. Even offering friendship when he had nothing to give back. When he was as lonely as the blonde boy he harassed.

Wesley didn't want to say anything else in fear of losing Logan as a friend, though. Surprisingly, he valued those he kept close. "Whatever." He crossed his arms with a sigh. He left it at that, chosing to stomp out if the classroom in a flurry of indignation.

"Anyways, do you have the answer to number 2 yet? I was stuck on that one for a long time."

this story is based on rob zombie's halloween. this means, for the next few chapters, please keep in mind that Michael and our protagonist are not 6 like in the original. they are in fact 12. (I also aged them up two years, it felt bizarre writing for 10 year olds.)


𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 • MICHAEL MYERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora