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×~4 Hours Until Midnight~×

"I tried to tell you something was wrong!" Angel said angrily. "And what do you know, I got into her room just fine!"

Judith looked astounded at her sister. Logan said nothing as she stared out the glass double doors. She could barely hear the rain.

"You don't understand how much danger you went through to 'save' her." Judith said, grabbing her sister's shoulders tightly.

But Angel backed away, shaking off her sister's grasp. "Of course I know. That bitch killed our mom. He killed Cathy. He killed Sheriff Andy, and a paper boy, and a mailman! The mechanic, the guards at the Sanitarium! God do you think I'm stupid? I know what I was getting into. Logan is the only one he wouldn't kill. If he wanted her dead he'd have done it when they were at her house!"

Judith flared her nostrils angrily. "And most of those deaths were because-"

Logan turned her head to look at Judith. The eldest Myers sister paused at her gaze.

"You think I wanted them to die?" Logan said. "You think I wanted him to escape, to kill your mother, to kill all those people?" She sized Judith up. They were about the same height, but despite that, Judith seemed to shrink. "I wish I was dead instead. I wish he'd had just ended my life while I was pinned in my old garage. And I'm so sick of being blamed for the shit that goddamned monster is doing!"

Angel looked at Logan with sympathetic eyes.

"And you stand here in front of me, thinking less of me, thinking I have done terrible actions- well I'll tell you this," Logan leaned in, craning her head on Judith's shoulder. "He's here. And he's coming to kill us all."

Judith stepped back. Logan addressed all who stood in the room. "In my cell is Sheriff Andy's gun. I lost it during my meeting with Michael in the garage. He brought it back to me." She brushed her hands through her wet, jet black hair. She rung out the water in a sort of relaxed manor while everyone around her tensed. But in reality she was shaking, her mind was racing in circles like a dog, chasing a rabbit that was far too fast for it. She was thinking about what she should do, where she should go. How she could escape the wrath she would soon incure.

Angel took a step towards her, resting her hand on Logan's back reassuringly.

"Officer," Dr. Loomis said quietly. "Open that door. Grab the gun on the table, if it's even there." He added the last part quietly, and if Logan heard, she made no notion of it. It was clear he believed little of her story as he glanced skeptically through his circular glasses.

The officer did as he was told. He unlocked the cell door. When he opened it, it crashed on its hinges, swinging the opposite way and slamming into the officer. The company jumped back. Logan was pulled farther away by Angel and Judith. The few officers armed with guns pulled them out to aim at the large shadow in the doorway.

Dr. Loomis pulled out his own silvery revolver as the lights flickered above.


Michael watched their terrified faces from behind his rubber mask in delight. He pulled the first officer off the ground and snapped his thin neck. Gunshots fired through the air. He knew they had made contact with him, burning into his body in various places. But he barely felt a thing- it felt as though someone was pinching him.

He took another gleeful step forward. He held another officer still as he stuck a kitchen knife into his torso. More gunshots. Searing heat as they pierced his shoulders and back. He ripped the knife from the wriggling cop and slashed blindly behind him. The kitchen knife, which he had taken from Logan's house, slid expertly across the neck of two more officers who had gotten far too close.

𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 • MICHAEL MYERSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن